Black History Month is not simply a time for African-Americans to take pride in and to educate others about their history and achievements. It is also a time for Muslims to educate themselves.
This seven-step guide by the Council on Islamic Education in California offers Muslim students a practical and effective way to challenge misinformation about Islam that may show up in textbooks or during class presentations and discussions.
Getting basic healthcare is rarely an issue in most industrialized and even a number of non-industrialized countries today. The United States, on the other hand, is a very different story. Every year, close to 18,000 people in the United States die due to a lack of health insurance.
Lots of us watch in shock, horror and anger at the ongoing attacks on Gaza and the Palestinian territories. The killing of any civilian, Palestinian or Israeli, is wrong. It is condemned and must be stopped immediately. This is something made clear in Islam as well as international law
Being an active participant in elections involves more than just registering to vote and voting. Americans, all of us, need to be directly engaged in the process of selecting this kind of a leader. Here are a couple of ways to do that.
Waste and a lifestyle characterized by it, is behind many of the environmental problems we face today. Waste is something Allah hates. He says in the Quran: "Lo! the squanderers were ever brothers of the devils and the devil was ever an ingrate to his Lord."
Muslims failed to successfully launch a movement for their rights post-9/11. Today, we have a golden opportunity to work with those who have started the second civil rights movement when we should have. We must become part of this cause today.