These guidelines was adopted in the Islamic Shura Council of North America meeting in Chicago moon sighting on January 19th 1995. It was signed by all the leaders.
While Eid should be a time of joy and happiness, it is also a time for prayer. Muslims should remember to share the pain and helping the needy on Eid day and of their suffering brothers and sisters everywhere on this blessed day.
How can we build Muslim unity in one day? Of course, none of us can perform such an awesome task in 24 hours, but we can take small, meaningful steps to work towards that goal, especially on Eid Muslim holiday.
Gift-giving is part of Islamic tradition, as it is in other faiths. Gifts express love and appreciation. For children, especially, Eid gifts are important. Here are some great Eid gift ideas.
It was Eid day and the prayer had just been completed in the large we should also make dua for a loved one who died, brightly lit hall the Muslim communtiy usually rented for the occasion. There were hugs, smiles, shouts of "Eid Mubarak!" and affection galore as Muslims, men and women, dressed in their best, revelled in the joy of the occasion.
For Muslims who live in an environment where Eid today is given little, if any, recognition, it's the responsibility of families and communities to make sure the holiday is fun, exciting, and memorable for all, especially kids. Here are some ways to do that.
Celebrations don't have to be expensive to be memorable. Look back at your own childhood and remember how you had fun without frills. Here 9 ideas make Eid gifts on budget, enjoyable and inexpensive.