We may shortchange our girls in so many other ways. We may not bury our girls alive the way some of the pre-Islamic Arabs did, but we bury their spiritual advancement in countless ways. We chip away at their confidence in themselves as valuable in the eyes of God and others. We question their worthiness.
Many Muslim women feel disempowered and disconnected in our community. Strengthening women in Muslim countries is a long-term process, but here are some simple ways to begin.
If you are a victim of domestic violence, you must take action. You must get help. You are not alone. Here are some practical things you can do to help end the nightmare for you and your family.
Domestic violence is not a phenomena restricted to a particular ethnic, cultural, religious or geographic group. It is a problem in almost all societies at varying levels. Here are some tips.
Islam and Muslims have long been accused of mistreating women. Mistreatment and abuse of women, and wives in particular is condemned by Islam. Here are some stats to show how violence against women is not a Mulim-only problem.