A diverse array of people in the United States are preparing for the annual Thanksgiving holiday. Schoolchildren are being fed a sunny portrait of the relations between the Pilgrims and the Indians.
Is there a difference between the three terms Latino, Hispanic, and LatinX? Why are there so many different options to describe the same group of people, and which one should we use? Even for a Latina, Puerto Rican Muslim like myself, it gets a bit confusing.
I have marched in many Black Lives Matter protests, but the anger and the crowd size I saw on Saturday in Chicago I have never seen before. (I maintained the same COVID physical distancing recommendations that are now being implemented to allow Masjids to reopen as I participated).
What is Zamzam water? What's cool, refreshing and will quench your thirst in the hot, Arabian desert? If you answered (fill in the name of the latest fad soft drink), you're wrong. Zamzam is the name of the well that provides the water billions of people.
The small, cubed building known as the Kaba may not rival skyscrapers in height or mansions in width, but its impact on history and human beings is unmatched. Learn about who built the Kaaba and the wonders of Kaba in Makkah.
Here, in a darkened room, in a museum built more than a 100 years ago, in a non-Muslim country, a non-Muslim woman decided to shed light on the magnificent discoveries of MY people, at a time where Muslims had drifted off into the darkness in terms of knowledge and research, a time when they didn’t even care where their literature and art and discoveries were going, and in whose hands they were in.