Sexual abuse and harassment are far more common in the Muslim community than often assumed. It is a crime in the eyes of Allah, as well as according to local laws. These are 14 ways Imams can handle it.
Sexual abuse, sexual harassment and sexual assault may sound like graphic Western terms for a Western problem, but they are not. These are crimes as old as humanity itself. Below are eight tips for how Imams can deal with these issues.
Like with other social ills such as domestic violence, sexual abuse is another arena where parents and friends can help support a victim and assist them in getting help.
Issues of sexuality are generally considered more private in non Western countries than in Western ones. A friend may be the first person a victim of sexual abuse may confide in.
Family and friends can play an important but hidden role in helping married couples maintain a strong relationship. Parent and in-laws and friends all can help a couple work through their disagreements.
There is clearly a move away from the attitude that couples should stay together even in the unhappiest of marriages for the sake of the children, a view once held by many Muslim immigrants.
Mediation can help save marriages! The job of the mediator is to listen to both sides, to help the clients identify what the problem is, where the conflict is, and then allow them to listen to each other.