These are the lyrics of the song "Madinah Tun-Nabi" from the Road to Madinah collection of Islamic songs by Dawud Wharnsby, which conveys the joy the Muslims felt upon the arrival of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, in the city of Madinah after leaving Makkah. This the third CD of songs he released after the groundbreaking "Whisper of Peace", followed by "Colors of Islam".
These are the lyrics of the song "Lullaby" from the Road to Madinah collection of Islamic songs by Dawud Wharnsby, which is the third CD of songs he released after the groundbreaking "Whisper of Peace", followed by "Colors of Islam".
These are the lyrics of the song "Full of Humility" from the Road to Madinah collection of Islamic songs by Dawud Wharnsby, which is the third CD of songs he released after the groundbreaking "Whisper of Peace", followed by "Colors of Islam".
These are the lyrics of the song "What Did I Do Today?" from the Road to Madinah collection of Islamic songs by Dawud Wharnsby, which is the third CD of songs he released after the groundbreaking "Whisper of Peace", followed by "Colors of Islam".
This is a reivew of Dawud Wharnsby's "Sunshine, Dust And The Messenger" (2000), which brings a new and mature style to Wharnsby's previous song collections that were focused on younger children.