In the Indian-held Kashmir - atrocities against Muslims have been, and are being, perpetrated with no fear of a corrective international response. To date, no one power or combination of powers has blown the whistle.
Everyone is asking...what can I do to help? The answer is simple in fact that most people don't take it seriously. We say to ourselves that small things can't possibly make a difference and we defeat our goal before even getting started.
The names in the above stories may be different. The circumstances may be different. But the reality is the same. Our Muslim brothers and sisters continue to suffer in Kosova. They are not just hungry. They are dying. They are being raped. They are suffering.
Atrocities, barbarity and inhumanity at the hands of the Serbs should be enough to disqualify them from ever ruling Kosova, despite religious and historic claims. But the Kosovar refugees' right to return to their original homes, to be governed and live in an environment of peace, safety and freedom, are also why Kosova must be granted independence.
Lena Abdel-Razeq's story about her Muslim school's shoe drive for the people of Kosova was so good, she got a $5,000 scholarship and an internship at U.S. News Online this summer for it. Find out how she did it.