Over 200 Muslims from across the continent responded to this 2009 Sound Vision survey, which indicated that 70 percent of respondents knew of a person who had experienced some kind of domestic abuse.
Spouse abuse is described by The Family Violence Prevention Fund as "a pattern of purposeful behaviors, directed at achieving compliance from or control over the victim." Muslim families are not immune from this social ill. Stop the hurt now!
It tends to be a hush-hush topic, but let's face it: the Muslim community is not immune to domestic violence. In fact, domestic violence transcends all demographics and can be found in your own backyard.
Being a spouse and a parent are among the most important jobs you’ll ever have. Marriage education, premarital advisement and counseling can help singles and engaged people obtain the skills they need to have healthy marriages.
Getting to know someone for marriage requires a couple to share their views and experiences in an effort to better understand one another. The key to asking questions is to inquire with the intention to understand a person, not to judge them.
Here are some Islamic principles, both general and specific, to consider if you will be meeting or seeking a potential spouse for yourself or someone else at a conference, lecture, the mosque or another event.
SHMI is a national campaign to promote healthy marriages and families within the Muslim community in the United States, to reflect the essence of Qur’an and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (saws).