Psychiatrist Dr. Aamir Safdar, who has been practicing medicine for more than 25 years, suggests the following tips for Imams when addressing mental health issues in the Muslim community.
Have you seen him who belies the rewards and punishments of the Hereafter? He it is who drives away the orphan and does not urge giving away the food of the poor. (Quran, 107:1 - 3)
If your Islamic organization does not have a long-term plan, it is important to develop a planning committee which can take input from the community and present a plan for feedback and adoption. While they are working on a long-term one, it will be good to adopt a one-year plan through your board. Here are some ideas.
Abdul Malik Mujahid reminisces about the simplicity and beauty of the Masjid of the Prophet, along with the many roles it played in the early Muslim community, from a place of prayer, both individual and collective, to a hub of social interaction and social services for all.
Islamophobia, or the fear and hatred of all things relating to Islam and Muslims, is becoming mainstream and deadly. Whether it's radio talk show hosts, columnists or extremists who promise to kill Muslim women, there is a great danger to Muslims.
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a time when Masjids and Islamic centers must also join in and make the Muslim community more aware of this crime, as well as how to curb it within our families. These are seven practical ideas they can use to do this.
The 9/11 attacks ushered in a new era for Masjids, whereby they became centers where Muslims and non-Muslims met face-to-face in the context of tragedy and solidarity. But are they ready to fulfill this new role?