Over 1300 people, mostly boys, were stacked like logs into six army trucks. They were placed face down with their hands tied behind their backs, one on top of another, making a pile of four or five persons deep.
In the wake of the war on Iraq, Muslims need to be informed, aware and pro-active when dealing with the American media. Here is a list of tips Muslims can use when dealing with the media in these critical next few weeks.
America's reaction to the torturous sexual abuse of Iraqi prisoners of war is a sign of a nation living its ideals. Although they are reacting to something extremely abhorrent and horrible, it gives me confidence in humanity and in America.
The genocide of Bosnia, with three million displaced, about 300,000 murdered and over 50,000 raped, was taken up as their own cause by Muslims in the United States.
Many Muslim women feel disempowered and disconnected in our community. Strengthening women in Muslim countries is a long-term process, but here are some simple ways to begin.
Domestic violence is not a phenomena restricted to a particular ethnic, cultural, religious or geographic group. It is a problem in almost all societies at varying levels. Here are some tips.
Domestic violence is a worldwide problem. Imams can play a positive role in ridding Muslim families of this social ill. These are seven ways Imams can deal with the issue in non-Western countries.