Here are some Islamic principles, both general and specific, to consider if you will be meeting or seeking a potential spouse for yourself or someone else at a conference, lecture, the mosque or another event.
The stress and grief a concerned Muslim youth experiences at the spiritual and moral state of their parents is only natural. Before we embark on a ‘crusade to save’ our parents, let’s consider these tips.
Youth in the United States refers to Americans between the ages of 10 and 18. While these years have traditionally been considered a time of tumult, change and difficulty, according to the statistics below, there is also some good news.
It is critical that all community leaders, Muslims and non-profit foundations, as well as our government, pay more attention to the disenfranchised young Muslims and find effective ways to address their challenges.
For most Muslims, Ramadan is family time. You get up together, eat Iftar together, pray together, etc. But what if you don't have your family near you? Here are a couple of ideas for single Muslims.
While a job or summer school may be necessary during the summer for many teenagers, that doesn't mean the season can't be more meaningful and memorable. Here's a sample summer weekly schedule that can help.
Short on ideas for what to do on campus about Ramadan? Here are some things to remember and ideas you can use to bring Muslims closer together and do Dawa. None of them require a big budget.