With Canadians being periodically subjected to ill-informed, ignorant, Islamophobic and downright racist rants by invited bigots to Canada who presume to lecture us on the evils of Islam, we should look instead to those with the intelligence and the moral fortitude to critically understand the message of Islam, a message whose core is about peace with justice and human equality.
Islamophobia is here and it is real. There is a deep-seated current of anti-Muslim prejudice in American society today. Survey after survey has quantified this. Meanwhile, many Muslims remain conflicted about challenging this intolerance.
If you are involved in interfaith work, raise the topic of Islamophobia at your meetings. Stress the urgency for people of all faiths to address and condemn it, along with other forms of intolerance publicly.
A large number of Imams have informed me that they use articles from Sound Vision's website for their sermons. May Allah accept it. In consideration of this, I am taking the liberty to suggest some points for your forthcoming Khutba.
A problem, until named or described, is often ignored. Consider that until we had the terms “racism” and “anti-Semitism”, these two types of prejudice were difficult to combat. It is time we understand this and start calling out anti-Islamic and anti-Muslim prejudice for what it is: Islamophobia.
If we ever want to gain back our respect in the world, we have to respect each other first. Here are some tips to combat this ugly disease racism and Conecpt racism in Islam.
Islamophobia is today's accepted form of racism. It will require Muslims to fight hard against it. Muslims are neither solely responsible for its creation, nor will they be able to fight it on their own. It is a collective responsibility for all bridge-builders of the world.