Each time you face hate, you must report it. Every incident must be reported to at least four places. But first, get your facts right. Then, follow this step-by-step guide.
While Muslim women are and have become targets of harassment, particularly if they are visible due to their dress, women in general remain easy targets for attack. Below are a number of safety tips to consider.
Muslim communities across the US are expecting a backlash once the US-led war on Iraq starts. With the wounds of 911 fresh in their minds, many Muslims are not taking chances. They are preparing for all kinds of harassment and violence.
We can all share horror stories of harassment and abuse as a community. While reporting is important, it can't be done in a haphazard fashion. It has to be done carefully. Here are some tips that can help.
A phone tree is a group of people who contact each other to convey a message in an organized way. Instead of 1 person contacting 50 people, one person contacts two other people, who then each contact two other people, and so on.