Amid horror stories of youth, Muslim and non-Muslim, checking out websites filled with pornographic material, and generally using the internet negatively, bright spots can be found.
Young people are very vulnerable to the influences of society, their friends, TV, adults and those that appear to be fashionable in the music and fashion industries. They may be teased for being too "chicken" to try this type of intoxicant.
The overall pattern of research findings indicates a positive association between television violence and aggressive behavior.Several variables in the relationship between television violence and aggression related to characteristics of the viewers and to the portrayal of violence are identified, and concerns regarding the effects of television violence are summarized.
You thought you were over the hard part---changing diapers and being awakened throughout the night by your crying baby....etc. But now comes the really hard part---coping with a rebellious, often rude and obnoxious, teenager.
Society's problems are not the problems of "those people out there". They are our problems, and if we ignore them they will come creeping up to us at one point. As Muslim parents we need to do something about these challenges.