It is abusive to partially quote the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, thus distorting what he said. How many times have you heard the Hadith "Paradise is under the shadow of the swords?
We can all share horror stories of harassment and abuse as a community. While reporting is important, it can't be done in a haphazard fashion. It has to be done carefully. Here are some tips that can help.
Have you noticed your boss, supervisor or co-workers have been having a hard time looking at you straight in the eye in the last few days? Has the war on Iraq, which has just begun, been causing problems for you as a Muslim in your workplace?
Maybe if we start listening to people and giving them due importance, whether it's the wife of a prominent reporter, an Afghan refugee or a suffering Palestinian mother, people will not have to resort to violence, terrorism and bombs. Instead, we can deal with issues fairly so that fewer children will have to open their eyes to a world filled with horror, without their fathers and mothers.
"A podiatrist"; "A Florida doctor"; "A foot specialist"; These are just some of the ways that Robert Goldstein, 37, has been described by the mainstream media, from the New York Times to ABC News to CNN. He has not been called a "Jewish terrorist" or other similar terms for his plan to blow up 50 mosques and an Islamic education center in his native Florida.
While leaders and organizations have their role to play, individuals are key to promoting a better understanding of Islam and Muslims, as well as protecting Muslims from harassment and attacks. Here are some ways you can help:
The playground stands bare and empty. Wind blows across the space where little children until recently chased, skipped and played. The gates of the first government-funded Muslim school in the UK were closed last week for two reasons: respect and caution.