If you think voting is a waste of time, think again. One vote has changed the course of history. In the upcoming presidential elections next month, Muslim votes are being sought out, whether Muslims realize this or not.
Freedom of thought and belief is repeatedly emphasized in the Quran. We cannot be free and we cannot make others free if we do not work to uphold the freedoms that so many of us take for granted.
Train your heart to feel compassion for the people, to love them and be kind to them. Do not behave like a ferocious beast toward them, snatching away their sustenance, for the people are of two categories: they are your brothers in religion and/or your fellow human beings.
Religious consciousness is not possible without a social ethic. To be a person of faith requires that we be immersed to working for social justice and social good. Prophet Muhammad did not just immerse himself in dhikr. To the contrary he served Allah by serving his fellow human beings.
Our country is going through an extraordinary time, when our young men and women are dying in Iraq and Afghanistan, we are the world's most hated nation and every American's civil rights and freedoms are in jeopardy.
Obama's victory was truly one that brought joy. He drew 94 percent of the American Muslim vote, the largest percentage of any religious group. But for Muslim Americans, the victory was also bittersweet. Our community was politically marginalized in this year's presidential election, more so than in any other year.
On one of the tightest elections in American history, and one that will impact the world substantially, we are of the privileged few on the planet who can participate. It is not something we can afford to take lightly. This is why we must ensure that we take part in it and do the best we can to safeguard the process.