FREE Young Engagement Manual for Youth Workers, Social Workers, Youth Leaders, Youth Counsellors, Youth Organizations, or Chaplains in School / College / University.
In these difficult times, when the faith of our children is challenged and when holding on to faith is like holding onto a hot coal, engaging with our youth is, now more than ever, an honorable way to live the immaculate Prophetic example
Involving the youth in your organization is dependent on both physical space allotted for their use and the cultural attitude which your organization and the people in it find themselves in.
Numerous so-called anti-terrorism pundits and experts have debated and proposed potential causes of violent extremism by young Muslims and convert Muslims from the U.S., Canada, and Europe. However, most analyses fail to address the real, at times basic, roots that we can control at the grassroots level.
All surveys have shown that students are especially skeptical of hate mongering. The highest favorable rating of Muslims (49%) is in the age group of 18-29. Let us make a serious effort to fight hate on campus.
Finding ideas to make summer fun and memorable, while being meaningful and affordable, can be difficult. This list of 65 fun things to do require little money but offer kids of all ages a way to spend time well, with an Islamic flavor.
It is more important than ever to make time for young Muslims. But that doesn’t have to mean hours of one-on-one interaction. Here are a few quick ways parents, as well as other adults, can bond with young Muslims.