The payment of Zakat becomes obligatory on every sane and mature Muslim and Muslimah whenever there is an economic activity resulting in the net increase in their wealth.
Every year, as the income tax deadline looms near, you may have noticed "tax clinics" popping up here and there in North America. These are quick solutions offered by accountants to help people fill out the reams of income tax paperwork or to assist those who, after filling out their forms, just want to get a second opinion from a "tax doctor".
Sound Vision consulted Dr. Ahmad Sakr to find out about some of the frequently asked questions about Zakah definition and their answers. Dr. Sakr is a scholar of Quran, Hadith, Fiqh, Seerah and Dawa.
Certain inward attitudes and duties are incumbent on those who seek, through the payment of Zakat, that which leads to good in the Hereafter. Here is an excerpt on Zakat from Imam Al-Ghazali's "Innner Dimensions of Islamic Worship".
This article is not about the glory of Islamic Medicine made under the light if Quran and Sunnah, of past 1000 years which produced great physicians like al Razi and Ibn Sina. This article is also not about virtues of honey, the center point of discussion in most of the articles written these days on Islamic Medicine.
The idea of "social services" puts off some because of misunderstandings about what this type of service means in practical terms. Here are ten misperceptions clarified about this necessary assistance for individuals, families, and entire communities.