The Internet has made its way into many homes and schools through online learning and class work. Most schools nowadays require students to have an email or social media account to enable online learning, whether in a classroom or at home.
Every year when Eid-ul-Fitr is just around the corner, children start talking about the celebrations and eid planning and eid ideas in their friends circle or on social media in their group chats.
There are tests all around us each and every day. In case you had doubts of any kind, the COVID-19 pandemic has made it crystal clear that we are not in charge or in control of anything other than our own response.
At this writing, 20 of the 25 largest school districts in the United States are choosing to teach online exclusively this school year because of the ongo
As you work to develop schedules to manage time and learning throughout the day, be sure to factor in play. Especially for young children, play is a primary vehicle for learning.