Teachers go into education without much expectation from the student’s side. But, they’re human too, they want to feel appreciated as well. It's no easy job to be a teacher. They want to know that their efforts are not going to waste.
In Islam, neighbors have a high status and their own set of rights. In the hustle and bustle of life, don’t neglect the rights you owe to others. This is because as opposed to popular belief, religion is not only a personal effort.
Here is a list of the terminology used by Islamic scholors in reference to Halal (permissible according to Islamic law) and Haram (what is forbidden) in Islam.
While summer is normally a time for leisure and vacationing, it shouldn't mean letting our guard down when it comes to various dangers. This also means that we stay up-to-date and cautious about COVID-19 restrictions in our area.
Every year when Eid-ul-Fitr is just around the corner, children start talking about the celebrations and eid planning and eid ideas in their friends circle or on social media in their group chats.