Every time I witness Sharia being targeted and abused with such abhorrence, it sends chills down my spine. Not because I am intimidated by such actions. Not because my faith is shaken. It saddens me because the Sharia that I know of and that I live everyday is neither primitive, nor repressive.
Sound Vision consulted Dr. Ahmad Sakr to find out about some of the frequently asked questions about Zakah definition and their answers. Dr. Sakr is a scholar of Quran, Hadith, Fiqh, Seerah and Dawa.
As the United States Supreme Court judges sit in their chamber, to their right, front, and the left sides are friezes depicting the 18 greatest lawgivers of the world. The second frieze to the right features a person holding a copy of the Quran, the Islamic holy book.
Sharia, Jewish Halacha and Catholic Canon Law, are not replacing 'the law of the land.” However for observant Catholics, Muslims and Jews their institutions and traditions are an important part of religious practice and must be respected provided that state and federal laws are observed, and participation is voluntary.
Sound Vision publications are not your typical Dawa brochures. Our neighbors and co-workers of other faiths are looking information beyond the basic tenets and pillars of Islam. They want to know what and how Muslims think about critical issues of our time and what practical advice our faith has to offer.
Halal and healthy is part of Sharia, the Islamic way of life. It reflects balance, moderation, clean living, all with the aim of pleasing God and maintaining optimum health.
The constitution of Madinah was through the systemic incorporation of the concept of mutual humanity and shared space with other religions into Scripture, belief structures, laws and values that explain why Islamic societies, from the start, were racially diverse, multi-ethnic, and open to other faith communities.