Whether you consider yourself a positive, easy-going person or a demanding, hard to please person, these tips can help you become a more grateful, caring, and content individual.
Yes, there are Muslims who don’t fast, as well as those who don’t know how to pray. Here are some Ramadan Duties to us that, we can share the news of Ramadan with others this year and encourage them to fast.
As Ramadan is a great opportunity to share Islam so the response to Ramadan Mubarak is, its values of spirituality, generosity, and kindness with others, especially neighbors. Here are eight practical ways to do that.
It's important to decide how we're going to make the most of the blessed month before we're in the thick of it. Here are a couple of things to do in ramadan not only on an individual and family level but for the community as well.
Wouldn't it be great to give charity as a family? You can do this in a systematic way by setting up a family Sadaqa box in a particular spot of the house. Then, convince each person to put a portion of their allowance or salary in this box.