Over 50% of young Muslims face serious bullying, and we need to strengthen them in many ways. One method is by training their weekend school teachers. We have already trained hundreds of Sunday school teachers. We can do the same for your community as well.
This project is the Weekend School Teachers Training Institute Day. Thousands of Muslim children attend weekend schools across the country and often times it is their very first impression of Islam. Hence, establishing a professional program that provides presentations, workshops and panel discussions for teachers is very important. The program is a day long event for weekend school teachers that will provide tips, training and discussion on how the quality of weekend schools can improve throughout the country. At the end of each program teachers will receive certificates on completion of the Weekend School Teachers Training Institute Day.
We have already organized three teachers training so public school students are better equipped to deal with the challenges they face, grow up to be better Muslims, better citizens, and better neighbors. Four other trainings are scheduled.
If you would like to host a Sound Vision Teachers Training Institute Day in your community here are the resources we can provide.
- Survey (Every Weekend School has their own set of challenges to overcome. This survey will help us understand what topics need to be discussed in order to develop a quality program)
- Presenters (We have a team of highly qualified individuals who have years of experience in teaching and teachers training)
- Program Management (We will design a program that will address the challenges and needs for the Weekend School Teachers in your respective communities)
- Certification (Teachers who complete the day long program will be recognized and appreciated for their efforts)
What the community will provide:
- Completion of Surveys (Every teacher or principal attending the day long program must complete the survey provided by Sound Vision)
- Venue (The community is required to provide a place to host the program)
- Number of Attendees (We will need an estimated count of individuals attending the program)
- Cost Coverage (The cost of this program covers instructor honorariums, booking flights and overnight stay. Cost vary per community)
- Publicity