What is Easter?
Easter is considered by many Christian churches the most important and one of the oldest holidays of the Church year after the weekly Sabbath which is held on Sundays. It is a time for redemption or deliverance from sin.
Why is Easter celebrated?
It is celebrated to commemorate the Christian belief in the death by crucifixion of Prophet Jesus and his resurrection three days later.
When is Easter celebrated?
The date for Easter can fall between March 25 and April 25. There are two main churches who celebrate Easter: the Eastern Orthodox and the Western churches. Generally, the Western Church comprises the Protestants, Catholics, and Anglicans. The Eastern Church, on the other hand, is made up of: the Orthodox churches, the Oriental churches, and the Eastern-rite churches affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church.
The Eastern Orthodox church may celebrate Easter at the same time as the Western church, or one, four or five weeks later due to a slightly different method of calculation.
Some of the important days pertaining to Easter are the following:
1. Lent: a 40-day period of fasting and penitence which is a preparation for Easter. In 2003, Lent began on March 5 and will end on April 19.
2. Ash Wednesday: the official start of Lent. Christians may make signs on their foreheads with ashes. This is meant to humble their hearts and remind themselves of their own mortality and redemption. Ashes are a symbol of penance aimed at developing a spirit of humility and sacrifice.
3. Holy Week- the last week of Lent.
4. Palm Sunday-This is the beginning of the Holy Week. It takes its name from the Christian belief in Prophet Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem where the crowds laid palms at his feet.
5. Holy Thursday-this commemorates the Last Supper that was held the evening before the crucifixion of Jesus, according to Christian belief.
6. Friday in the Holy Week-commemorates the anniversary of the day that Christians say Jesus was crucified and died on the cross.
7. Easter Sunday-Holy week and Lent end with Easter Sunday.
Some customs and practices surrounding Easter
1. Fasting before Easter
Prior to the celebration of Easter, Christians may fast for the 40-day period called Lent. Lent is a time to prepare for Easter by making penitence. There are differences amongst Christians pertaining to this fasting and when it begins.
In Western churches, Lent begins on a day called Ash Wednesday. This is six-and-a-half weeks before Easter. Christians fast except on Sundays. While initially there were strict laws about fasting, the Roman Catholics later made these unnecessary during World War Two. Today, only Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are kept as days of fasting during Lent. However, there is still emphasis on penitence during this period.
In Eastern churches, on the other hand, Lent starts on the Monday of the seventh week before Easter and ends of the Friday nine days before the holiday. In Eastern churches, even today, those who are fasting cannot consume wine, oil and dairy products. Fasting also takes place on Sunday, unlike in the Western church. However the fasting on the weekends is more relaxed.
2. Easter eggs
In some churches, eggs are forbidden to be eaten during the fasting of Lent. During Easter, a time of joy and celebration, not only are they eaten, but they are colored and decorated.
Eggs are symbolic of new life and resurrection, which are the themes of Easter.
Cultures where Christianity is practiced use eggs in different ways during Easter celebrations. For instance, in Greece eggs painted crimson red are exchanged with the belief that this practice honors the blood of Jesus. In Germany eggs are hollowed out, dyed and hung from shrubs and trees during Easter Week. Armenians decorate hollow eggs with pictures of Christ, the Virgin Mary, and other religious designs.
The Easter eggs also play a role in games. In North America, this can be seen on Easter morning with children going on Easter egg hunts in parks or backyards. They are looking for the eggs the "Easter Bunny" has hidden while they were asleep. Sometimes prizes of candy are awaiting the child finding the most eggs
3. The Easter rabbit
In ancient Egypt, the hare was a symbol of fertility. While in Europe, the symbol of the hare has been adopted in relation to the celebration of Easter, it is different in North America. Here, we find the Easter rabbit, which is also a symbol of fertility. It is believed it the Easter Rabbit lays the eggs, for which reason they are hidden in a nest or in the garden. .
Sources of information include Encyclopedia Britannica, the Catholic Encyclopedia, http://www.holidays.net/easter/index.htm
Photo Attribution: "Easter eggs - straw decoration" by Jan Kameníček - Own work. Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Easter_eggs_-_straw_decoration.jpg#mediaviewer/File:Easter_eggs_-_straw_decoration.jpg
any man made celebration is
any man made celebration is nothing to God as describe in the new testament 'cause many make money out of it; what is important is the law to be followed,
for those who are eager to know the truth go to the internet and look for TOP
or The Old Path 'cause the preacher here is the only one that unsealed what the
prophet Daniel can't explain, you may ask any question about the bible as even
Muslims inquire now for the Koran is like an extension of The Holy Bible, make haste now for those who see this message 'cause after this preacher covers the whole world in preaching through the internet and TV the Great Tribulation may come
Christians don't believe in the Easter rabbit... it's a fictional story told to children. The Easter bunny was made for atheists who pervert the meaning of it.
Maybe Roman Catholics do not practice lent as they should, but I can assure you that both Greek orthodox and Armenian Catholic and orthodox alike practice Lent. I have been doing this since I was 12 years old.We even start it at the start of the week and not on Ash Wednesday.These are traditions and believes passed from parents and it is very important to maintain it and pass it along to the generations to come. We have to keep our faith strong and our believes in Christianity even stronger.God Bless Everyone
There is anotherreason for Easter, esp. its timing, mentioned through all my life.The old Germans in the North of the Roman Empire celebrated the feast of "Sonnwend", means the beginning of the season when days become longer after winter. This was, and still is, a celebration with setting fire on piles of wood, singing and dancing around. The Roman Church was unable to suppress this and adopted it for Easter, which still calculates out of moon dates while anything related to Jesus could not have happened at different times. Hisascension day and that of Mary have also a fix date. Easter fire is still common in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, e.g. Adopting something that hardly can be suppressed or eradicated is nothing strange to religion as well as politics.
I think it is important to note that, in the Roman Catholic church, emphasis is placed upon voluntary denial during the Lenten season. Many Roman Catholics "give up" some treasured food or pleasure during Lent, in order to join more fully in the spirit of Jesus' sufferings. Thus, many will voluntarily fast during the 40 days. For instance, during Lent of years past, I have variously given up wheat products and/or dairy products, both of which I enjoy greatly! Children are also encouraged to give up something they truly enjoy, and often this is candy or chocolate or some other form of sweets, and this is a reason why Easter Baskets usually consist of some type of sweets and candies for the children.
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