It’s amazing how much ISIS & Egyptian leader Sisi have in common.
Both kill.
Both torture.
Both are corrupt.
Both are illegitimate.
Both emerged from chaos.
Both force their opinion on others.
Both violate freedom of speech.
Both violate almost all human rights.
Both eliminate their opposition.
Both curb freedom of religion.
Both give a bad name to Islam.
Both claim to strive for stability.
Both operate above the law.
Both use religion for power.
This is where the comparison ends. The differences between the two are also ironic.
One claims to be secular, the other claims to be religious.
One is bombed by America, the other is aided by America.
The torture machines of Sisi-type regimes actually create ISIS and their likes.
It is no secret that many of the ISIS leaders are former inmates of the American-run Abu Ghraib torture machine.
War, hate, and terrorism are a connected phenomena. War and hate breed more terrorism. And they feed off of each other.
It is only until people of conscience begin working together at a grassroots level that we can end this cycle of death, destruction, and dysfunction. It is not impossible. But it requires commitment and patience, as well as goodwill that transcends the hate extremists of any stripe feed off of to stay in power to the detriment of others.
What can I do?
Become an informed citizen
1. Read alternative media to enhance your knowledge base. There is a lot more to the world than our narrow, American/Eurocentric worldview. Broaden your horizons by reading and watching more diverse media at home and globally. Some of these include:
- Wikileaks.org
- TheNation.com
- MotherJones.com
- CommonDreams.org
- Some British media like TheGuardian.co
2. Engage journalists with appreciation and critical feedback for more objective coverage of ISIS, Sisi, and extremism generally.
3. Talk about global challenges with your friends, co-workers, neighbors, and family members in an intelligent manner. Try to engage in intellectual and practical dialogue based on studies and statistics, rather than emotional rants with no basis or outcome. Raising awareness is the first step in fighting war, hate, and terrorism.
4. Recognize that the Pentagon-funded research project on terrorism led by Professor Robert Pape has established that there is a direct connection between political and military occupation and terrorism. Buy his books and give them out as gifts to opinion makers (journalists, editors, media pundits, politicians, etc.).
Become an active citizen
1. Become a great neighbor, as our faith teaches us to. All surveys indicate that those who know a Muslim have a better opinion of Islam and Muslims. Your personal, human connection with others goes a long way, compared to any Dawa or preaching. Remember, we are all brothers and sisters in humanity.
2. Join and support coalitions. It was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who connected the war at home with war abroad. Join hands with those who stand against discrimination, racism, poverty, war, and terrorism. These allies have been standing with us for years.
3. Remind your government that it should not support torture machines anywhere. Be an advocate for justice.
4. Demand that our tax money be used to save lives, not take them. More than two million people have died as a result of the U.S.-led war on terrorism, according to the Washington, DC-based, Nobel Peace Prize-winning organization Physicians For Human Rights.
Build the Future
1. Develop relationships with the leaders of tomorrow. It will take some time before things start getting better. So invest in relationships with those you can influence in a positive way.
2. College-aged folks are the most open-minded when it comes to peace and justice. They also are more supportive of Muslims. Invest in internships for younger people. Engage them in civic leadership and social justice causes so that they can make a real difference in the world.
3. Adopt a Muslim Students’ Association for funding and career guidance. All MSA’s need mentors and support. Assist them when they need your guidance.
4. Remind young people of the legacies of great leaders of social justice and civil liberties movement, American and other, as well as the giants of Islamic history, most of whom were incredibly dynamic young leaders.
Change, social or political, requires careful thinking, planning, and implementation. It also requires us to commit to work toward its success for the long haul. Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, understood this. He remained in Makkah 13 years before making a strategic move to Madinah for better prospects. But this was just part of the long-term plan of sharing and building his vision for a better world.
The Prophet’s success was the result of deep faith, optimism, hope, and grassroots activism. As followers of his path, do we not owe him and our faith at least this much to stand up against ISIS, Sisi, and the nexus of war-terrorism-hate, which are all abusing the vision of our faith and our Prophet?
Please download and share this brochure on fighting hate and extremism.
>> Muslims fighting hate & extremism: A concrete plan of action
© Sound Vision Foundation
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Islam And peace
I've really been asking my Muslim friends on why they claim that Islam is a religion of peace even with the glaring reality that it is not. So many scriptures in the Quran actually advocates terrible violence... Please prove that Islam is a religion of peace indeed
Ever read the bible
there are more violent passages in each book of the bible separately than there are in the Quran. But that is besides the point, you are focused on a persons religion being the judge of their character instead of their actions and there are over 1billion muslims who are not extremists. This was a very well written article and I hope all followers of religion can take something from this course of action in the name of humanity and mutual respect. PS I am agnostic and not of any faith but was brought up catholic
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