Reviewing Ramadan? Self-evaluation questions for the first 10 days of Ramadan |

Reviewing Ramadan? Self-evaluation questions for the first 10 days of Ramadan

With Ramadan’s first 10 days almost over, many of us have established a routine and adjusted physically and mentally to the new schedule. Now is the time to ask if our habits and schedule are giving us the spiritual rewards we need to excel in Ramadan. Here are a few questions to ask:

  1. Have I kept all of my fasts? If I missed any, did I note that down so that I can make up for them later?
  2. Have I been offering my five daily prayers? If so, have I completed them on time and improved my focus and concentration? 
  3. Is my behavior keeping up with Ramadan requirements? Am I losing my temper while fasting? Backbiting? Becoming impatient? Being disrespectful to my parents, spouse, or others? 
  4. Have I been able to wake up for Suhoor most days? If not, can I sleep earlier or nap a little during the day so I can wake up in time for Suhoor?
  5. Have I prayed any Tahajjud, the prayer in the last third of the night, when I wake up for Suhoor? 
  6. Have I been overeating at Iftar time?
  7. Have I been wasting food? How much have I thrown out since Ramadan began? How can I minimize waste?
  8. Have I given more in charity than usual? Have I given any charity?
  9. Have I kept in touch with family since Ramadan began, especially parents and siblings? 
  10. How much of the Quran have I read? If I have been reading the Quran, have I tried to understand the meaning? 
  11. Have I been limiting my time on social media? If not, how can I do this?
  12. Have I volunteered in any way in my community? Remember that there are many opportunities to volunteer online as well. For something specific to the Muslim community, search for “muslim volunteer opportunities online” for what’s being offered by various organizations. 
  13. Have I offered Taraweeh prayer at all? If not, what can I do to offer even two Rakaat after Isha, before going to bed? Can I offer Taraweeh at least on Friday and Saturday nights in the Masjid?
  14. Have I had Iftar or Suhoor at least once with someone else, especially someone who is currently alone, like a new Muslim with no Muslim family, a student away from family, or an older person who is an empty nester? 
  15. Are there occasions when I wasted time in Ramadan? If so, how? What can I do to replace those activities with better ones?
  16. What can I do to spend more time doing good, even if it’s just for five minutes?
  17. Have I been reaching my Ramadan goals?

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