Lesson 1: The Three Holy Mosques and Their History
Grades: K-2
Objective: Students will learn about the three holy mosques in Islam—Masjid Al-Haram, Masjid An-Nabawi, and Masjid Al-Aqsa—and understand why these places are important and discover their connections with our beloved prophets.
Vocabulary: Masjid Al-Haram, Makkah, Masjid An-Nabwi, Madinah, Masjid Al-Aqsa, Al-Quds
- Pictures of the three holy mosques
- Large world map
- Coloring sheets of the three mosques
- Pencil, crayons, and markers
Teaching points:
- Begin by showing students pictures of each mosque. Explain that these are the three most important mosques for Muslims.
- Describe each briefly:
- Masjid Al-Haram in Makkah: The first mosque was built for worship and the home of the Kaaba.
- Masjid An-Nabawi in Madinah: Built by Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessing of Allah be upon him, and where many people visit.
- Masjid Al-Aqsa in Al-Quds: The second oldest mosque, important for its connection to many prophets.
- Locate on the Map: Show students the map and point out where each mosque is located. Allow students to see the distance between Makkah, Madinah, and Al-Quds to understand that they are in different countries but are important to Muslims everywhere.
- Show one of the videos linked below and discuss.
- Discuss who built these mosques through story narrations.
- Prophet Adam, may peace be upon him, first built the Kaaba, then Al-Aqsa, but they looked very different then.
- Prophet Ibrahim, may peace be upon him, and Ismail, may peace be upon him, built the Kaaba.
- Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, built Masjid An-Nabwi.
- Discuss the direction of prayer (Qibla) toward Madjid Al-Aqsa and its change to the Kaaba and explain why Al-Aqsa is an important site for Muslims.
- Ask students why Muslims want to visit these mosques.
- Explain why it is challenging to visit Al-Aqsa now.
Coloring or Collage Activity:
- Give each student a coloring sheet with images of the three holy mosques or materials to construct a collage.
- As they work, share simple facts about each mosque:
- Masjid Al-Haram is where Muslims face when they pray.
- Masjid An-Nabawi is where Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessing of Allah be upon him, is buried.
- Masjid Al-Aqsa is the place of the Prophet’s Night Journey (Isra and Mi'raj).
Additional Resources:
Video: Al-Aqsa Mosque in Palestine | 3 Wonderful Mosques | New Omar & Hana English
Video: Masjid Al Aqsa in Palestine | Facts about Masjid Al Aqsa for kids| Happy Moms
Why Is Al Aqsa Mosque So Important To Muslims? | As-Salaam Humanitarian Foundation
What is the History of the Holy Places in Islam? - OnePath Network
Lesson 2: Palestine, the Land of the Prophets
Grades: 3-6
Objective: Students will learn about Palestine as a special land where many prophets lived and taught.
- Storybook or simple story cards of prophets associated with Palestine
- Family Tree: From Prophets Adam to Muhammad
- Maps
- Paper, markers, and crayons
Teaching points:
- Remind students that Palestine is a very special land where many prophets lived and taught people about Allah.
- Find Palestine on a map.
- Show the video (linked below) and explain using the notes that follow.
- Make a family tree of Prophets from Palestine.
Activity: My Prophet Book
- Have students fold a piece of paper to make a small book.
- Ask them to write some key points about one prophet they learned about in the lesson. Make a relevant drawing or map.
- Ask students to share their ‘My Prophet Book’ with the class.
Background: Prophets Connected with Palestine
1. Prophet Ibrahim, may peace be upon him, traveled through Palestine and worshipped there. He is believed to be buried in Al-Khalil and is known as ‘Khalilullah,’ the friend of Allah.
2. Prophet Lut, may peace be upon him, was a nephew of Prophet Ibrahim, may peace be upon him, and was sent to warn the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, cities near the Dead Sea in Palestine. He called his people to goodness and warned them against wrong actions.
3. Prophet Ishaq, may peace be upon him, was the son of Prophet Ibrahim, may peace be upon him, and spent his life in Palestine. His family continued to teach people about Allah in this land.
4. Prophet Yaqub, may peace be upon him, lived in Palestine and continued his father Prophet Ishaq's, may peace be upon him, teachings.
5. Prophet Yusuf, may peace be upon him, was the son of Prophet Yaqub, may peace be upon him, and grew up in Palestine before moving to Egypt. His story of patience, faith, and forgiveness is an important lesson for Muslims.
6. Prophet Musa, may peace be upon him, led the Jews out of Egypt and toward Palestine. Although he did not enter it himself, he guided his people to it, fulfilling his mission.
7. Prophet Dawud, may peace be upon him, ruled from Al-Quds and was known for his justice and wisdom. He strengthened the community and built an important kingdom.
8. Prophet Sulayman, may peace be upon him, was the son of Prophet Dawud, may peace be upon him, who also ruled in Al-Quds. Known for his wisdom and his ability to speak to animals, he rebuilt Al-Aqsa Mosque.
9. Prophet Zakariyya, may peace be upon him, was the guardian of Maryam. May Allah be pleased with her in Al-Quds. After praying to Allah, he was blessed with a son, Prophet Yahya. may peace be upon him.
10. Prophet Yahya, may peace be upon him, was the son of Prophet Zakariyya, may peace be upon him, and lived and taught in Palestine. Known for his wisdom, he called people to turn back to Allah.
11. Prophet Isa, may peace be upon him, was born in Bethlehem, Palestine, and performed many miracles. He preached throughout Palestine, calling people to worship Allah.
12. Special event at Al-Aqsa: During the night journey known as Isra and Mi'raj, Allah took Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings be upon him, from Makkah to Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. There, he led all the prophets in prayer. This event shows the importance of Al-Aqsa and the special connection of all prophets to this holy place.
Additional Resources:
Learn About Masjid Al Aqsa: History & Virtue _Masjid Al Aqsa (13:36)
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