Muhammad Ali cared deeply for Muslims, the Ummah, as well as all of humanity. He stood up for the people of Vietnam; he worked to stop genocide in Bosnia; he marched for Palestine, and he helped release American hostages.
Please pray for the success of those who struggle for peace, justice and freedom by right means. Please pray that God guides those who are using wrong means in struggle harming humanity, Islam and their neighbors. And may God guide all the oppressors to refrain from oppressing those seeking peace, justice and freedom.
Dr. Martin Luther King would have spoken of the imperative to prevent terrorism, by trying to get to the root causes-- which are social and political--rather than seeking security through military means.
I'm hoping that a new president and an old story can lead us to a change we can believe in a believable change in ourselves and for all those who suffer in that region of the world where our faith has its roots.