Sample weekly summer plan for kids ages 8 to 12 |

Sample weekly summer plan for kids ages 8 to 12

JULY 2020


  • Start a summer garden. Choose plants and flowers that are easy to grow (e.g. carrots).
  • Help the kids build a summer Masjid in your home. Find a space, clean it up, set out rugs and sheets, and decorate it with Islamic art.
  • Organize all paperwork from the year that has just passed. Throw out what's not needed, keep what may be useful for the coming grade, or anything that has sentimental value.
  • Have a Fourth of July BBQ or special dinner, featuring traditional American foods and crafts. Talk about what it means to be an American Muslim and why you are grateful for this blessing. 
  • Hold a family meeting about the history of Independence Day. Enhance it with presentations, videos, talk, popcorn, and games about the history of this day and what it means to us.
  • Choose four Surahs to memorize over the summer or more, and start memorizing this week. 
  • Attend Friday prayers every week for the rest of the summer starting Friday. That is if your local Masjid has reopened with physical distancing requirements. 


  • Encourage your child to write a letter to a relative of the same age. Send it via snail mail and also support your local post office.
  • Register for any interesting activities at the local library. If there is a summer reading contest, have them sign up for it, and stick to the reading schedule.
  • Teach the kids how to cook macaroni and cheese or any other easy recipe. Google “cooking with kids” for more ideas.
  • Check that Quran memorization is progressing.
  • Teach them how to do one load of laundry from start to finish. And then help them fold it and put it away. 


  • Set up a tent in your backyard. Help the kids roast marshmallows over a fire (if that's allowed). Tell scary stories, but also a few about the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, in the wilderness. One that comes to mind is his journey from Makkah to Madinah during Hijra. Don't forget to bring out the  bug spray.
  • Check that Quran memorization is progressing.
  • Teach them how to make brownies or a cake.  Consider sharing with a neighbor who may be lonely; especially think about those who are elderly. 
  • Head to the outdoors to keep the outside of the house clean and neat.


  • Visit a local beach at Fajr time. Pray together and enjoy the cool breeze. Discuss some Quranic verses about water and life in the sea (like 11:7, 13:17, 2:60, 5:96). Discuss the story of Prophet Nuh, peace be upon him.
  • Contact a local food bank to ask what supplies they need urgently. Have your child develop a complete list and shop online for the items. If they are older, with your supervision, have them order the things as well. Take them with you when you drop the donation off at the food bank.
  • Check that Quran memorization is progressing.
  • Teach them how to make French toast



  • Schedule a Bike Washing Day (check out the details “Bike Wash Day” here).
  • Buy, borrow or rent a telescope and on a clear night, turn the telescope upward to observe the stars. 
  • Check that Quran memorization is progressing.


  • Clean up the front of your lawn, the backyard, your part of the street, and even better, the local park. Grab a few trash bags and disposable gloves. Be sure to give directions not to touch dangerous or questionable items (e.g. needles or sharp objects).
  • Hold Seerah Storytelling night in your backyard. Get a tent and a flashlight. Everyone gets in to enjoy one (or more) story about the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. Focus on the beauty of his character and how that is an example for us to follow. For ideas, check out Sound Vision’s CD collection A Treasury of Islamic Tales.  
  • Check that Quran memorization is progressing.


  • Clean up the outside of your local Masjid.
  • Help your child choose five goals for the coming school year. These could be getting a better grade in math, making the soccer team, or winning the Student Book Award at his/her school. Write the goals down in a special notebook for ongoing future review.
  • Check that Quran memorization is progressing


  • Hold a family Quran recitation competition. Everyone gets to share what they've memorized during the summer. The winner gets a cash prize.
  • Hold a “Back to School” BBQ Party. Have them share five things they want to accomplish in the coming year, if they feel comfortable. Otherwise, just allow them to enjoy these last moments of summer.
  • Donate any fruits or vegetables in the garden that was started the first week of summer (see week one of July 2020) to the local food pantry


Ma sha'llah! This is a welcome idea and a much needed tip for the muslim youths.May the Almighty continue to enrich your thought and ideas. Ameen


salam alykum this is great web site for the muslem and I wish if ican help you in this great work .



great content, this is the way only can upgrade ummah from postion backward community,home work and planed action succes where everything else fail...



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