Much is being made of two Muslims who took Pamela Geller’s bait and were killed in Garland, Texas, where she was hosting her hateful “Draw Muhammad” art contest of May 2015. However, what is not being discussed is the stellar way Dallas area Muslims have overall dealt with her hate, and the Islamophobia movement in general.
Young Muslims are going through a lot in schools and in public. From bullying to discrimination to hate crimes, American Muslim youth face it all on regular basis. Here are some statistics from credible research polls and institutes.
Free people control their time and money. Slaves control neither. Let’s take charge of ourselves by planning for lives because there is a purpose for our existence beyond the mundane routines of earning and consuming.
Mention of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is always around Muslims, Alhamdu lillah. But why not organize a week-long family activity around the life of the Prophet?
I grew up saturated in Christmas every December. I loved the minty tang of candy canes, the Christmas specials of my favorite sitcoms, and the days off from school. But I was, and am, a Muslim.