Lift your head, my sister, my brother. Let your shoulders shed their undeserved burden. Smile at your neighbors. Walk carefully but without fear, and do not despair. For surely, disaster has struck us. But Allah has told us that if we are patient and return to Him, good tidings are in store. And He always, always keeps His word.
We’ve all got goals we want to reach in the coming year, and the new year is fast approaching. One thing many of us never stop asking for is success. We know there is always room for improvement, in ourselves and in our professional lives.
This outline is just a guide. Feel free to modify it in any way you like. Anything which you think you must do should be planned for here. The Quran invites us to think, evaluate, and achieve for the best of this world and the best of the hereafter.
Take advantage of five things before five others happen: your youth before you grow old; your health before you fall sick; your money before you become poor; your leisure before you become busy; and your life before you die.(The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said as recorded by Tirmidhi).
With proper guidance, you can equip children with the tools needed to cope with any hard time. You can show them what it really means to help and support others, what it means to be emotionally intelligent, empathize, and display the essence of Islam and the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet.
Muslims stand in solidarity with Paris and the people of France. We are profoundly saddened and shaken by the attacks that have taken place. Many of us used to say terrorists are not Muslims, now we wonder if they are even humans. Period. As Paris reels from today's tragedy, please take following actions right now.
Here is a sample press release that your Masjid or Islamic organization can customize and issue in the aftermath of the horrific Paris attacks on November 13, 2015.