While Muslim conferences and conventions are great places to learn more about Islam, network and meet other Muslims, they also have their share of etiquette problems.This is a comprehensive list of tips to help you make the experience go smoothly and positively.
Sharia is an Arabic word commonly translated as Islamic law. It is a dynamic body of guidelines for Muslims on issues as diverse as food and diet to business transactions and marriage. Sharia is the Muslim universe of ideals.
I used to be asked this question in Pakistan as well: are you Pakistani first or Muslim first? Yet, it has always made me uncomfortable, it forces you to feel that the two: religious and national identity, are somehow mutually exclusive.
Profiling is here to stay. While fighting it is a noble cause, learning to deal with it is a daily requirement. Here are some tips to keep in mind to better prepare for "traveling while Muslim".
For kids under the age of 10, being active and outdoors are a necessary element to a fun and fruitful summer. These 40 ideas with an Islamic flavor offer unique ways to make the days off meaningful and memorable.
Even with a job and summer school, the summer weeks can and should be marked by fun and frolic, balanced with a growing sense of responsibility as young adults. Here are a couple of ideas for tweens and teens.
Sharia is not a word Muslims use on a daily basis in their lives. Actually, until the recent Sharia debate, most Muslim Americans may not have used this term more than a couple of times in their lives.