Our neighbors are looking for balanced information on Sharia and they have a hard time finding it. Sound Vision is engaged in developing a web portal on Sharia to fulfill this urgent need.
It is likely that the current debate about Sharia will continue for a while. For that reason we suggest that your Masjid develop a one-year plan to address the issue in a multi-dimensional way. Here are a couple of suggestions.
Everyone else is talking about Sharia. It’s about time we did! Thar is why we introduced Shariah 101, a project to articulate Muslim American perspectives on Sharia. It will raise awareness about Sharia or Islamic law, in the American context.
Here are the words to the original Mother’s Day Proclamation. The original Proclamation was an impassioned call for peace and disarmament around the world.
She was also a reformer. She did not like associating anyone with God. When she refused to prostrate (sajdah) to the grave of a family elder as women in that village used to do, she was called a “wahhabi.” But this hanafi woman did not budge.
For someone whose name was going to be "peace", Salam died under violent circumstances.
It had been barely 24 hours after the terrorist attack on the Alfred P. Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. In the wake of the shock and pain of seeing employees, and most heartbreakingly, children from the daycare there, being carried out covered in blood, came the fury at the attackers.
Despite seemingly logical explanations for those “Mr. and Mrs. Only” invitations, there are good reasons for Muslim families to include children in wedding celebrations. Here are three big ones.