If you have a friend who is the victim of domestic violence, you're not alone. There are practical things you can do to help at this time of trial and difficulty. Here are some tips.
Domestic violence is a worldwide problem. Imams can play a positive role in ridding Muslim families of this social ill. These are seven ways Imams can deal with the issue in non-Western countries.
This 13-point guide offers Imams, particularly in the U.S. and in countries where Muslims live as minorities, advice on how to handle domestic violence in the Muslim community.
Domestic violence is not a phenomena restricted to a particular ethnic, cultural, religious or geographic group. It is a problem in almost all societies at varying levels. Here are some tips.
If you are a victim of domestic violence, you must take action. You must get help. You are not alone. Here are some practical things you can do to help end the nightmare for you and your family.
Many Muslim women feel disempowered and disconnected in our community. Strengthening women in Muslim countries is a long-term process, but here are some simple ways to begin.
Summer's eight weeks can seem difficult for parents, who struggle to keep their kids engaged and enlightened amid the relaxation. This is a detailed, week-by-week guide to keep children ages 4 to 6 busy.