If you want to get a glimpse of the future of Islam in America, take a good look at the state of the Muslim family here today. Here is a discussion of the challenges family faces in America and some tools from an islmic perspective.
The genocide of Bosnia, with three million displaced, about 300,000 murdered and over 50,000 raped, was taken up as their own cause by Muslims in the United States.
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a time when Masjids and Islamic centers must also join in and make the Muslim community more aware of this crime, as well as how to curb it within our families. These are seven practical ideas they can use to do this.
The brutal murder of Sr. Aasiya Zubair in 2009 shook the American Muslim community to the core. Till this day, it's painful to fathom what led her huband to commit this heinous crime. What can you do in the memory of Aasiya Zubair?
Let us drop the illusion that we are doing a favor to Muslim unity by withholding our constructive criticism. It is time for Muslims to heed Allah's call in the Quran to stand up for justice and speak the truth, even if it is against ourselves.
The 9/11 attacks ushered in a new era for Masjids, whereby they became centers where Muslims and non-Muslims met face-to-face in the context of tragedy and solidarity. But are they ready to fulfill this new role?
You don't have to dish out your hard earned dollars for brand new games, DVDs, videos, etc. to cure the winter blahs. Here are some ideas for indoor activities that can keep your kids entertained but learning.