From the very beginning of the human being's creation, the issue of gratefulness and thankfulness and dua to thank Allah has been debated. It's Satan's mission to ensure you remain ungrateful to Allah!
Although the American Muslim voter has been voting overwhelmingly Democratic in the past two Presidential elections, most voters view themselves as politically moderates.
On one of the tightest elections in American history, and one that will impact the world substantially, we are of the privileged few on the planet who can participate. It is not something we can afford to take lightly. This is why we must ensure that we take part in it and do the best we can to safeguard the process.
American can never be great unless it is fundamentally good, committed to justice and doing what is right in all circumstances. As the new leader of our great nation, you can help us reclaim our values and put on us a better path.
"Obama is not a Muslim, he's a Christian. He's always been a Christian. But the really right answer is - what if he is? Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country? The answer's no, that's not America."
Elections are a time-honored tradition and a great blessing. They offer an opportunity that continues to elude millions of people around the world, who are still living in countries where choosing your leader is a concept either anathema to the status quo or limited to a privileged few.
Marriage is considered half of faith in Islam and with good reason. Your spouse can make or break you spiritually. Here are nine ways spouses can help each other reconnect with Allah.