The organized struggle of North American Muslims begins over seven centuries ago, with the civil rights movement led by multitudes of enslaved Muslim Africans. The spirit and movement continues today.
You may have witnessed a moment, an event or a discovery that would change the future of a community. This event or discovery would have to be something exceptional and dramatic to write a new chapter in the books of history.
Dr. Martin Luther King would have spoken of the imperative to prevent terrorism, by trying to get to the root causes-- which are social and political--rather than seeking security through military means.
I'm hoping that a new president and an old story can lead us to a change we can believe in a believable change in ourselves and for all those who suffer in that region of the world where our faith has its roots.
While this holiday holds historical importance as a commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s sacrifices and role as a premiere civil rights leader, this year it is even more significant. Here are a couple of easy ways to make the most of it.
Lots of us watch in shock, horror and anger at the ongoing attacks on Gaza and the Palestinian territories. The killing of any civilian, Palestinian or Israeli, is wrong. It is condemned and must be stopped immediately. This is something made clear in Islam as well as international law
Celebrations don't have to be expensive to be memorable. Look back at your own childhood and remember how you had fun without frills. Here 9 ideas make Eid gifts on budget, enjoyable and inexpensive.