Of all of God's attributes, the one we call upon throughout each day is his Mercy. Waking, eating, praying or beginning a task we invoke the phrase "Bismillah Al Rahman Al Raheem,"
Great tips on making this Ramadan simpler, less wasteful, and healthier for us & the environment. And this is the change where the Khalifas of the world, we stewards of God, are needed today.
It seems the preachers of peace have fallen short. Although both the Quran and the Bible contain God’s commandment that killing one innocent human being is like killing the whole of humanity, a large number of Americans believe it is justifiable to intentionally attack civilians.
A discussion of what factors lead to the acceptance for a culture of violence. Why are so many of us so insensitive to life? With the Quran and the Bible being from the same source, God clearly states that saving one life is like saving all of humanity.
The new immigrant movement of America has a chance to help the United States enhance its dream once again for all people. For that purpose, the movement must include in its program the fight against another cruelty endured on a daily basis in our country.
Muslims failed to successfully launch a movement for their rights post-9/11. Today, we have a golden opportunity to work with those who have started the second civil rights movement when we should have. We must become part of this cause today.
Hope. The Prophet had hope for the future. The Prophet also remained optimistic about the situation and the future. Let us remember that if we look only at what is today, we don't consider what could be in the future with the Will and Help of Allah.