Dr. Irving was once a fixture at Muslim conventions. This author, professor and translator of the first American English translation of the Quran who accepted Islam over 50 years ago, passed away in 2002, very lonely.
Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, was about saving people not destroying people. He did not hate even his worse enemies. The desire to save humanity is a duty of every Muslim.
Has our strategy for fighting the scourge of terrorism given us the ultimate result: safety, peace and security somewhat reminiscent of our lives pre-9/11? We are currently spending billions of taxpayer dollars to hunt down terrorists around the world in the interest of our safety. But are we dealing with the symptoms or the disease itself?
She was known among the Muslims in Chicago as the mother of the homeless. I did not know how long she had been a Muslim. The first time I met her was when we were thinking of starting a soup kitchen to be run by Muslims in Chicago.
The media and politicians have sat up and started to take notice of Muslims ins the political arena but we've still got a long way to go. Why? It seems that for every two steps forward, we move one step back.
Abortion is one hot button issue which is a large part of the family values debate. But there is a need for a unique Muslim position on abortion without compromising Islam's stand on the issue.
The letters to the editor section of a newspaper is its most widely read section. In the aftermath of the September 11 terrorist attacks, this section has been a battleground for pro- and anti-Muslim views. This is a short guide to writing an effective letter to the editor.