I was born and raised in this country. I am proud to be an American for the reason that I feel we are a blessed people even in the poorest communities compared to some of the places I have been blessed to travel to by the Grace of Allah.
However, with our modern lifestyle and civilized society as we call it, I am still amazed at the degree of ignorance that plagues our people. We have all types of technology at our fingertips and yet some of us still live in darkness.
Since 911, I have had experienced a few incidents of discrimination but they have not shaken my faith. Instead, they have made me more determined than ever. It reminds me of what Allah says in the Quran: "You think that a thing is bad for you but in it there is a degree of good Allah knows and you do not know".
While shopping in the Wal-Mart near my mother's home in the community where I was raised, I and my daughter encountered a very evil man. While going down the aisle of the store and talking amongst ourselves, a man while passing us turned to my daughter and said, " I hope you burn in Hell". I must confess that I became angry(may Allah forgive me) and I turned to the man and I replied, "Who do you think you are? How dare you talk to my daughter in that tone? You have a right to feel any way you wish but you do not have the right to talk to my child that way. Do you understand me?"
I believe that I shocked him with my clear, American English accent. However, his arrogance would not lead him to apologize. Instead, he kept talking and I replied "whatever, just do not address my daughter" and turned and retrieved the item that I was shopping for.
My daughter was so upset. I told her you have to overlook stupid people. Unfortunately, we live in the South, and some people still feel they have a right to say and do as they wish.
After getting the item, my daughter and I went to the front to check out, we got in the line. The dumb man was ahead of us by one customer. He just gazed at us with hate in his eyes and we acted like he was not there. When my daughter recognized him, she said 'mom there he is again.' I told her to just ignore him, he can't help his ignorance. He became angry and began to yell at us again. He said, "you sand niggers have no right to be in our great country, we fought for you, etc." I must say that I am a very outspoken person, always have been, and I don't take abuse from anyone. I guess it is because I am black and I grew up during a time when I saw my people oppressed in this country and I just get angry at oppressive people. I know I have to practice more patience in this issue.
I replied "You see that's what I mean. See how ignorant you are. In the first place, I am not a nigger. In the second place, I am not a foreign citizen. I was born and raised right here. You did not serve anything for me for I am also an honorably discharged veteran of seven years. Did you not learn anything from 911 they have only talked about Islam constantly since? There have been countless programs about it. There was even a program at the university. Where have you been? Do you know that most of the Muslims in this country are African-American, so when you see one just don't assume that they are foreign or for that matter that they do not speak and understand English. By the way, who gives you the right to tell me or any person what we should or should not do or be?"
He was so outraged at this point because the people were looking at him and laughing and saying, "Oh man, be quiet." He replied again that the Constitution gives him the right. I replied that he has rights as long as they do not infringe upon the right of others. My beef is not your rights are how you express them for I do not care, however I do have a problem with a grown man saying something to any child be it mine or whom ever. I feel if you have a problem you need to address it to me. He said xxxx I am talking you, you xxxxx by this time the manger came over and ask what was going on and I told her and she requested security and ask the man to leave. Before he could leave however he decided to see how brave I was with a threat of physical. I looked him square in the face and said By Allah I do not want to hurt you but if you think I will stand here and let you attack me or my daughter you are sadly mistaken, I will fight you to the death for my child do you hear me", the manager told him you need to leave we will not put up with this and this lady is not playing Mr. He said we will see. Feeling that the man was going to do something to us I purchased a carving set.
The officer came over and got a report of what happened and a description of the man, whom I was able to give details down to his brith mark on his neck. The Officer assured me that he or Wal-Mart would not tolerate such behavior and gave me an escort to the parking lot. I told the Officer that I appreciated his help and that the man had threaten me and my daughter and that if attacked I would defend myself, the Officer stated stated he understood. He replied that if he tried anything tonite that he would go to jail. He comforted my daughter whom was crying along with others that were in the store and said that they were ashamed of the man's conduct and apologized for his behavior.
I pray to Allah to give me more tolerance on this issue its just so hard to ignore some of the things sometimes. I guess that I am tired of all of this nonsense. I will try to work on sabr on these matters. However I have found that they are quite supprised when you speak english and relate truth along with history to them. It has not spoiled my feeling toward people that have a natural curiosity and those that long to understand, it is my mission to spread the truth.
Again thank you for your support and continue to give us good advice on these issues at this most critical time of trials. May Allah reward you with Paradise. Amen.
Photo Attribution: Ed Yourdon - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Arabische_vrouw_loopt_op_straat_in_Ca%C3%AFro,_-27_december_2008_a.jpg
Sisters,may Allah bless you and keep you upon the right path.You have done a great favour to the ummah of Rassolullah.
Monshallah what a woman may allah bless you and your family. You did the right thing to protect your daughter may allah shower his blessing ON YOU ALL and keep up the truth at all times in your explainations. This is the only way muslims can step forward answer for answer but lets make the Muslim answers and replies strong, correct and relevant!Well done once again i am a mother of six kids thanks be to allah and I have done the same, our kids have to be proud that they are muslims first and always never to lower their heads and take it but stand up and be accounted for, as sensible stong confident younger muslim generation. May Allah protect our youth from such evil people and keep them from harm and allow them only to follow the good truthful path. Though we know that PATH IS ONLY GETTING HARDER.
May Allah swt bless u for what have u done. I was on the military too and i have a medical discharge now. i wear my hijab, and i know how does it feel to be treated as an anty american when people around u don't even know.May Allah Bless uMASALAMAISHA
Assalamu'alaikum.Alhumdulillah, Allah (swt) has given you the strength and wisdom to stand up for our faith and your family. Insha'Allah, may we strive to build up the same courage and knowledge like you for Allah (swt) to relate the truth to those who choose to be ignorant. Ameen.Wassalam.
Muslims over there should expect more hard times.May Allah make you all to be steadfast
May Allah continue to bless you my sister in faith
Assalamu Alaikum sr,Alhamdulillah... its brilliant the way you stood up to him, insha-allah it'l make him think twice next time he tries to do the same to someone else.May Allah swt guide him to the straight path ameen.
Keep your faith in Allah (SWT)....his punishment is swift and severe, Sister Hajar!
As Salaamu Alaikum, Sr. Hajar:Al Humdullilah, Sr., although we continue to ask Allah for patience with these type incidents, we can't allow ourselves to be intimidated by ignorance as well. We have to stand up for what we believe in, now more than ever...it is our test. I'm also an African-American sister in hijab and wondered how I would handle myself If something like this were to occur towards me and my girls. I think I would have done exactly what you did. We have to hit them with the truth, Sr., and we have to hit them hard! Glory be to Allah, the bestower of security!
as salam alay kum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh sister hajar u really did a great job mashallah u were proud to be a muslim thats real good and your belief is also strong so nothing could effect you may allah always keep u protected and also your belief stronger (aamin)
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