Either save this page as a text file and open it in your word processor to work on it or print it out to go over it with the good old pen.Feel free to modify it in any way you like. Anything which you think you must do should be planned for here).
Plan Period:..........................
Goals for this world (Rabbana atena fid dunay hasanah) :
Goals for the hereafter (...wa fil Akhirate hasanah):
Personal education-related targets:
If you are a student, think about and write down the standardized tests, degrees, diplomas, certificates, and courses you would like to complete, grade points, entrance exams etc.
Which school should you attend? When should you meet a counselor or advisor? When do you want to start searching on the web? When to apply? What is the deadline for scholarships and loan applications?
If you are working, think about what type of courses, education, diplomas, certificates or training might help you in your existing job, in getting a promotion, or finding a new and better job:
What books and journals do you want to start reading? What are the leading journals in your profession? Which books provide you with cutting edge information about your field?
Personal career targets:
What do you do and why? Try a Career Shift Quiz. Are you satisfied in your current position? If not, maysbe it's time for you to look closely at your career and what's making you unhappy. What are the trends in the job market? People change careers every day. It's not uncommon for professionals to have as many as five or more careers in a lifetime. But it should be done with proper thinking and planning:
Thinking of moving to a different city or neighborhood:
Is the better job in a different city? Use a Salary Calculator to compare the cost of living. Which community should you move to? Use the Community Calculator to find out. How are the schools where you may want to move? See the School Report.
Personal skill development targets:
What skills do you want to learn in this year? When and how?
Financial planning:
Do you have a personal and/or family budget? If not, this may be the time to start developing one. When will you develop it? What resources are available to do this? Do you have the financial picture of the last year in front of you? Who among your friends can advise you on this? Do you need to consult a professional financial advisor? Have you developed your will? Have you calculated your zakat? Are you wondering how to live without Riba (interest)?
Developing your relationship with Allah:
It is the personal responsibility of every Muslim to develop his or her relationship with Allah directly. What are you doing to develop and strengthen this relationship with your Creator? Think and plan for it.
Personal Ibadah:
How many of the five obligatory (Fard) prayers do you offer daily? How many Sunnah prayers (Salat) do you offer daily? How often do you attend Friday prayers each month? How often do you pray in congregation (Jamaat) weekly? How many Surahs can you recite? How confident do you feel about the prayers you offer? What plans could be made to improve your Salat?
Fard Salat: How many Salat you can offer with Jamaat every day?
Jamaat at Masjid..............Jamaat at home.........................
What weaknesses in your Salat would you like to improve this year? ............................................................
Do you understand what you are reading in Salat? If not what do you plan to do about it? ............................................................
Can you incorporate any Zikr from the Sunnah which you have not done before?.....................................
What portions of the Quran can you learn this year on a monthly basis?
Learning Islam:
Where can you find copies of the Quran and books about Seerah Dawa and other Islamic literature? Write down the names of the books you plan to study. You can select them from the Sound Vision's recommended Personal Development Syllabus:
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How is your Quran reading and Tajweed?......................
Any plans to improve on it?...........................................
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Connecting with relatives:
Maintaining a relationship with relatives is an Islamic duty. Are you satisfied with your existing connections? If not what are three things you can do to improve your relationship with your relatives?
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Helping Muslims come closer to Allah:
Dawa is a duty. If you will not do it, others are highly likely to neglect it as well. List the names of friends you want to relate to this year for the sake of Allah (for education, Dawa and to enjoin the good and forbid the evil):
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List the names of those you can invite to your home:
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List the names of those you want to send out Eid Cards (Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha) to:
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List the names of those Muslims you want to make dua for:
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Informing non-Muslims about Islam:
List the names of the friends you want to invite regularly to your home to share Islam with them:
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List the names of the friends whom you want to give out a brochure about Islam or a gift to:
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List the names of those non-Muslims you want to pray for:
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What are three activities I can participate in or organize in conjuction with my Masjid or Islamic center to share Islam with my neighbors (i.e. open houses):
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How would you define your relationship with your spouse and other members of the family?
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Do you organize a family circle at home?............ If not, when can you start one?...........
What skills do your children have which can be used for Islam? (Write down their name, age and skills)
What plans do you have for your children's Islamic Education?
What improvement is needed in your family life? You know the best after Allah. Plan for it.
How many times can you visit the Masjid?....................
Is there anything which you can do for Masjid?..................
How many Muslims can you invite to the Masjid (write down their names):
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Has your Masjid held an open house and reached out to the local community since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks? .......
If not, how can you get involved to set up such an activity in the community?
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Time and Money:
Your time and wealth (Amwal & Anfus, in Arabic) should be a part of Islam. Sacrifice is what a Muslim does to please his or her Lord. What can you sacrifice for the sake of Allah this year which you have not done before?
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How many hours have you given for Islam?
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How can you plan your time for Islam?
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How much you have given for Islam this year?:........................Planned..................
Have you paid your Zakat already?...........
Do you have any relative or Muslim brother or sister you would like to help with your money? If so list them and explain how your charity would go towards helping them?
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Taking a stand:
Giving time to the community at large is an obligation on us. Pornography, drugs and alcohol affect all of us more than smoking does. There are many good causes we can volunteer time to, donate some money towards, or merely participate in. Anything from volunteering at a school, donating to benefit medical research, marching against injustice and so on will strengthen our personal resolve as well as let society at large know that Muslims care.
Cause.......................Task ....................................................Benefiting whom..............................Date....................
Cause.......................Task ....................................................Benefiting whom..............................Date....................
Cause.......................Task ....................................................Benefiting whom..............................Date....................
Other things which you may want to plan for:
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Once again Dear brothers and Sisters. This outline is just a guide. Feel free to modify it in any way you like. Anything which you think you must do should be planned for here. The Quran invites us to think, evaluate, and achieve for the best of this world and the best of the hereafter.
May Allah accept your plans, give barakah in your time, money, and family!
Asalam alaykum w/w, may hte
Asalam alaykum w/w, may hte peace and blessings of Allah (SWT) be onthe noble prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his entire households, companions and those who follow his path till the day of judgement. Amin. Kudos to the team in Sound vision.com a very wonderful package that covers all essential areas of both this life and hereafter. May Allah (SWT) rewards you abundantly. Jazakumullah khayran.
Assalamou Alaikom,Jazakom Allahou Khairan for your post and may Allah rewards here and in the hereafter. I am also contacting you because we would like to ask your permission incha Allah to post the content of this proposal on the blog www.siteprayer.wordpress.com.We look forward to hearing from you.Anis
Assalaamu Alaikum wa RahmatullahThanks alot, It was a complete schedule.
Mash Allah! This page is so empowering! May Allah (swt) reward you for all the work done on this page! And may He (swt) bring Muslims around the world to be inspired by those simple organized actions! To me, this is part of what a good Muslim character should be: an organised and inspired one. Barak Allahou fik!
It is very practicle and easy to use insha Allah! Be productive. The decission is in our hands to make the move and earn the good in this world and good in the hearafter, ameen.
This and others of the like are excellent work. I do use them on my TV and lecture discourses. May Allah Bless you all.
Alhumdulilah, this is a great site, and this guide really helped me in planning what to acheive for here and hereafter. May Allah Bless us all and guide us to the straight path. Ameen.
All praises are due to ALlah the Almighty and I bessech His peace on the noble soul of Prophet Mohammed his household, companions and all that are treading the path of Al-Islam till the day of Recompense Amin.I have been a regular browser of your site. I wish to commend u 4 all ur information provision to the individual and general muslims.I pray that ALlah will continue to be ur Guide.Eid el Mubarak in Advance.
Shukran for an excellent suggestion on how to improve the qualuty of my life. I am always trying to do this but when it's all on paper it's so much easier to follow and stick to. May Allah reward your team for their good intentions, Insha Allah.
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