ISNA Condemns Attacks on Fort Hood Soldiers & Expresses Condolences to the Victims & Their Families
(Washington, DC, Nov. 5, 2009) The Islamic Society of North America condemns in the strongest terms the attack on soldiers at Fort Hood, resulting in the murder of at least a dozen soldiers and the wounding of many others. We express our deepest condolences to the victims and their families.
Although many details of the shooting are unknown at this time, it appears that the attack was led by a career soldier, Major Nidal Malik Hasan. The soldier who led this attack was either mentally unstable, or was motivated by a perverted ideology for which there can be no justification.
ISNA is proud of the many Muslim men and women who serve loyally in the United States military. We are grateful for the sacrifices made by all US soldiers, who represent the religious, racial and ethnic diversity of America, to defend the Constitution and our national security. ISNA, a faith endorser of US Muslim military chaplains, is proud of the service they provide, offering comfort and support to people of all faiths and beliefs. Just today, ISNA's chaplain endorser, Dr. Louay Safi, conducted a workshop at the US army base in Fort Bliss, Texas.
ISNA will be holding a press conference with national Muslim leaders to address this incident tomorrow morning. Time and location will be announced later tonight.
The Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago Denounce Shooting Incident at Fort Hood
(Chicago, IL – November 06, 2009)
Earlier yesterday a United States officer in the military identified as Army Major Malik Hasan reportedly shot and killed 12 American soldiers and wounded 31 others at Fort Hood in Texas.
The Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago strongly denounces this senseless attack at Fort Hood and expresses its heart-felt condolences and prayers of support to for the families of the victims and for the injured veterans.
In this time of tragedy, CIOGC calls on Americans of all walks of life to unite in standing by the families of the deceased and offering aid and comfort to all those directly affected including donating blood to the dozens injured and currently hospitalized.
MPAC Condemns 'Horrific Outburst of Violence' in Forth Hood, TX
November 05, 2009
Earlier today, a United States officer in the military identified as Army Major Malik Hasan reportedly shot and killed 12 American soldiers and wounded 31 others at Fort Hood in Texas.
MPAC and the Muslim American community unequivocally condemn this heinous incident. We share the sentiment of our President, who called the Fort Hood attack "a horrific outburst of violence." We are in contact with law enforcement and U.S. federal government officials to gain more facts from this tragic incident and work together in dealing its aftermath.
"Our entire organization extends its heartfelt condolences to the families of those killed as well as to those wounded and their loved ones," said Executive Director Salam Al-Marayati. "We stand in solidarity with law enforcement and the US military to maintain the safety and security of all Americans."
MPAC reaffirms its call to all members of American Muslim communities to be in contact with local law enforcement for the safety and security of their communities, their institutions, and their country.
U.S. Muslims Condemn Attack at Fort Hood
(WASHINGTON, D.C., 11/5/09) - A prominent national Muslim civil rights and advocacy group tonight condemned an attack on Fort Hood military base in Texas that left at least 12 people dead.
In a statement, the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said:
“We condemn this cowardly attack in the strongest terms possible and ask that the perpetrators be punished to the full extent of the law. No religious or political ideology could ever justify or excuse such wanton and indiscriminate violence. The attack was particularly heinous in that it targeted the all-volunteer army that protects our nation. American Muslims stand with our fellow citizens in offering both prayers for the victims and sincere condolences to the families of those killed or injured.”
Along with innumerable condemnations of terror, CAIR has in the past launched an online anti-terror petition drive called “Not in the Name of Islam,” initiated a television public service announcement (PSA) campaign against religious extremism and coordinated a “fatwa,” or Islamic religious ruling, against terrorism and extremism.
Photo Attribution: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:USMC-091113-M-2906G-004.jpg
Assalamu Alaikum;As a Muslim, I condemn this merciless killings. Islam is a religion of peace and and not a religion of violence. The Glorious Koran does not support these acts of murder. Maj Nidal Hassan must be brought to justice with the highest punishment possible.My heartfelt condolences to the families of these innocent victims. May Allah SWT give these families the wisdom, peace and courage to oversome this terrible tragedy!
What has happened is totally unacceptable.In Islam to kill an innocent being is like killing humanity.However,the Western press routinely captalises on such incidents and condemns Islam, rather than the perpetrator.If a Jew or Christian was involved, religion would definately not be an issue.Also,before rushing to hasty conclusions the perpetrator's state of sanity at the time of the incident must be considered. This is yet unknown.The press always finds ways to connect such people to extremism, which may not be always true. Islam must not be blamed but rather the criminal.! My deepest condolences to the bereaved for their tragic loss and may they receive comfort in their time of need.
As-Salaam Aliakum;All praise belong to Allah Ta;Ala;it really bother me to see what;s going on around the world, everthing Allah is Muslim,but everyone is not a believer.I been a Mumin every since i was nineteen yrs. old. no where in The Holy Qur;an,justifys the acts.I know the arabic. these people that commit these acts against hummanity will dealt with by Allah,I see brothers changing there names to Mike etc. because of the things the so call Muslim are doing in the name of Islam. I know where they are coming from.Going on a sucide mission.Thinking they are going Paradise.none Muslim you must study Islam, and know that Allah forbids,my heart go out to the families,and all that suffer at this time.Even we as Mumin suffer as well.I pray to Allah, that the truth will pervail,and that we can live together as one human family created by Almighty Allah,May Allah protect us from the work of Shaitian.
As an American muslim, I must sayI am terrified and shocked that A muslim that cannot create fail to appreciate the creations of Almighty ALLAH. He chose to destroy them as is shown by what happened at Fort Hood. My prayers and condolences go out to the families of those injured for speedy recovery and to the families of those that are killed in this carnage. Stop terrorism and this pretence of defending islam. Islam and Terrorism do not have a meeting point.
i condemn the killings. All those responsible must be brought to justice.
My condolences are with families of those who died in this carnage.
I am deeply shocked as a muslim brother. It should not happened by any of my muslim brother. Muslims are in danger by ourselves as well as by media propaganda. We have to be more conscious about our every step. We have to stop blaming each other. Whoever killed a innocent person is killing the whole human being. Please stop war and stop to send your troops for killing innocent people around the world.
Assalaam u alaikum.There are underlying reasons for what happened at fort hood and we should not be quick to condemn the doctor who carried out this attack. Alot of US soldiers are suffering mentally and physically because of Iraq and Afghanistan and alot of them are opposing the war and deployment there, see posts by Dahr Jamail. We feel sympathy but what about sympathy for the muslims that have lost their lives, property and way of life due to these invasions. Jazakallah
Page(s)[ 1 ] As an American Muslim, I must say that I am shocked and saddened by the horrific events that have taken place at Fort Hood. I would like to convey my sincere condolences to the families and love ones of the victims of this tragedy. I am very happy that many respected national Muslim organizations such as ISNA and CAIR have come out publicly to condemn this un Islamic, mentally depraved and inhumane violent act
As an American Muslim, I must say that I am shocked and saddened by the horrific events that have taken place at Fort Hood. I would like to convey my sincere condolances to the families and love ones of the victims of this tragedy. I am very happy that many respected national Muslim oraganizations such as ISNA and CAIR have come out publicly to condem this un Islamic, mentaly depraved and inhumane violent act.
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