Seven-year-old Zaahirah Abdullah has a passion for nose rings and bellybutton rings, thanks to her friends and a favorite teacher at Pyrtle elementary school in Lincoln, Nebraska.
She's really into style," says her mother Najla Abdullah, who attended the same public school as a child. "I can see I really need to build Islamic fundamentals with her," she adds earnestly in an interview with Sound Vision.
Zaahira's interest in body ornamentation through the influence of friends and her teacher speaks to the power of public schools in shaping the attitudes of most Muslim children in North America.
Zaahirah is one of the 99 percent of Muslim children in the United States who attend public schools. And it's her generation over whom the debate about sending Muslim children to Muslim or public school currently rages.
Better environment in Muslim schools
The strongest argument in favor of sending children to Muslim schools is the presence of an Islamic environment. Muslim kids in most of these schools pray, interact with other Muslim children in classes and during breaks. They also generally have less exposure to sex, drugs, alcohol and violence. In addition, Muslim schools are a place to build identity and security.
"Had one [a Muslim school] been available in the city, they would definitely have sent me," says Abdullah of her parents. "I think they would definitely have wanted me to have that sense of camaraderie, and that strength of people around you who are of the same faith and are there to support [you]."
"A Muslim school is the only place where they [Muslim kids] will ever have the chance to develop an identity that says, "Hey, these are my people. I belong to an identifiable community,'" writes New-York based Muslim school teacher Yahiya Emerick in an e-mail interview with Sound Vision. He has worked full-time in two Islamic schools, one in Michigan and the other in New York. He has also authored the book The Complete Idiot"s Guide to Understanding Islam.
Muslim schools give students a sense of self-worth, pride and cultural identity they could never get in a public school, said Sharifa Alkhateeb, president of the Muslim Education Council in Virginia. The organization educates educators and administrators about Islam, Muslims, Muslim families and Middle Eastern culture.
A sense of identity comes not just from being with other Muslim kids but also with the memories of praying, hearing the Adhan and discussing Islamic issues. For the child, "that's invaluable," Alkhateeb noted.
The perception of Muslim schools as "holding tanks"
"What usually happens is that when Ahmad Doe realizes his kid is turning into a foul-mouthed wretch with bad values and such, they look for a quick fix and toss him in an Islamic school. In one school I worked in, fully a third of the kids fit this description," writes Emerick.
This is the double-edged sword of providing a comparatively better environment than most public schools. It has led to some parents of kids who have gotten out of control in public school to dump them into Muslim schools.
Alkhateeb said this leads parents to seeing these schools as "holding tanks" that will take control the bad influence of public schools on their kids.
Emerick, who has experienced first-hand such casualties of the public school system adds, "to all who complain about Muslim schools having bad kids too, remember they didn't come in as good kids. They came in as public school kids."
More Islamic knowledge in Muslim schools
Children tend to be more exposed to Islamic knowledge in Muslim schools.
But others, like Shabbir Mansuri, founding director of the Fountain Valley, California-based Council on Islamic Education, see the Islamic knowledge offered by many Muslim schools as limited.
Mansuri has three daughters. Muslim schools were not available in his area for his two older children when they were growing up. But they were for his youngest daughter, who attended one.
While he acknowledged that, "she was able to learn Surahs [and] verses from the Quran," he adds, "but did the school make a difference in the thinking and understanding of those Quranic verses? The answer is no."
Many Muslim schools are disorganized
Regardless of the comparatively healthier environment, many Muslim schools continue to be disorganized.
Alkhateeb said sticking to rules and starting and ending classes on time, for example, are a problem for many of these schools.
Another difficulty is staff turnover, which is due to two other problems: poor wages for teachers and culture clashes at the administrative level.
Poor wages for teachers in Muslim schools
Alkhateeb pointed to the "horrible" wages teachers are offered at most Muslim schools as part of the explanation for staff turnover.
Many Muslim schools struggle to stay open and in some cases, rely mostly on private donations apart from the fees they collect. They also depend on the good intentions and Islamic spirit of Muslims like Emerick who are willing to teach at low salaries. Explaining his reason for choosing to teach at a Muslim school over a public one which pays better, Emerick writes:
"I couldn't justify to myself going to a school every morning in which I would not be allowed to mention Islam and its truth. I couldn't bring myself to go to a school and teach a bunch of students useful worldly knowledge when I know that later that day they will be getting drunk, dancing, having premarital relations, swearing, smoking and such. Who would I be making stronger? If I don't teach in a Muslim school, then someone else will have to be found and the children may not benefit from my experience and enthusiasm for the Deen."
An overall bad administrative model
A top-down leadership approach, imported from "back home" versus a more team-oriented, North American-based horizontal leadership approach, is also cause for clashes in many Muslim schools.
Alkhateeb explained that in the first approach, a good leader is considered someone who bosses everyone around, without consultation. This, in fact, is seen as a drawback. In the second case, consultation is part of the process, and the head of an organization engages in this with fellow workers. It is interesting to note that the latter method has roots in Islam and is known as Shura or conducting all affairs by consultation.
This culture clash in leadership perception leads many Muslim school teachers to quit in frustration, she said.
The cost of Muslim schools-two views
One problem many parents complain about is the high tuition fee of Muslim schools. In fact, cost is in some cases the defining factor in whether or not a child goes to a Muslim school or not.
While there are families who cannot afford to send their kids, Emerick argues that, "most Muslims in the suburbs own houses, multiple cars, take vacations to Pakistan or Syria and wear the best clothes. Many Muslim schools discount their official rates for true hardship cases. The school I work at has about 15 free students out of a total population of 70 students!"
"What is more expensive? Paying a little and having a better chance your child will make it to Jannah, or saving a measly sum and crying in twenty years when you realize your child is not a Muslim and doesn't care about anything except what you did earlier, namely money?" he asks.
Academic standards: how do Muslim schools fare?
"Most of the Muslim schools have not developed to the point of being comparable academically to a well-run Christian private school or Jewish private school for that matter," said Alkhateeb.
But not all Muslim schools fit this description. Aqsa school for girls in Chicago is one example. It offers schooling for girls only from grades 4 until 12, and education for boys at the elementary level.
According to Khawla Nassar, an Arabic and Religion teacher at the school, their graduates have gone on to Harvard and Yale, have pursued medicine, law, or have continued seeking higher degrees even after getting married and having children.
Their experience at the Muslim school, "instilled in them the value of education," she explains.
Do Muslim schools create insular children?
Some parents fear their kids will become closed and insular if they attend a school of Muslims only. A mother at one of Sound Vision's message boards on Parenting writes: "...I have seen many children who went to Islamic schools who cannot interact with their American neighbors. They feel shy or feel like they cannot talk to them. I don't want my child going through that. I want her to be able to interact with all the children here in the US."
But Emerick strongly rebuts this notion.
"Do Muslim kids who attend Christian schools in Pakistan have any danger of becoming closed to their society? Are Jewish kids who attend Jewish schools in America somehow socially stunted or unable to cope with American society?" he asks.
"No and no," he answers.
Putting the problems in Muslim schools in perspective
For all of their different opinions about this issue, everyone interviewed for this article expressed strong support for Muslim schools.
Mansuri says parents must devote more than just money occasionally to support Muslim schools. They must devote time and commitment as well.
Alkhateeb said the problems are, "a necessary element of the eventual excellence of Muslim schools. I think the Muslim schools are on the letter "H' on a scale of A to Z. H stands for How To. They're still learning How To. And that's okay."
"The public school system is never going to be everything that practicing Muslim parents want it to be for their children," she adds. These parents want every aspect of a school to be Islamic: its ethics, raison d'etre and the style in which teachers are motivated.
Some of the problems in public schools include chronic misinformation textbooks, the issue of food, clothing for physical education, proms, dances and other social events.
It all starts in the home-parents' responsibility
But what is often disregarded in the whole debate is the role parents and the family play in a child's Islamic development, which is much more important, many say, than which school the child attends.
"We're asking Muslim schools to perform the tasks that we as parents are supposed to perform," says Mansuri. "The Muslim schools are not supposed to be substitutes for parental responsibility."
"Muslim schools are not an answer," he adds. "An Islamic environment that incorporates all the principles of Islam is an answer. If I succeed in doing that gradually then I would have an option of sending them to Muslim schools and/or public schools."
With regards to the dangerous environment found in many public schools, Alkhateeb said, "the public school is not the reason for Muslim kids getting into drugs, alcohol and wild dating. The reason is that the parents of these Muslim kids have not developed a secure relationship of knowledge and trust and humility."
Photo Attribution: Paulmcdonald - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Detroit,_Kansas_School_House.JPG
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Hello, Asalamualaikum,
Hello, Asalamualaikum,
I’m a middle schooler and I have gone to both public and Islamic school. Let me start of by saying that if you think the kids here will be “better” and there will be no drama, that’s a lie. The kids in Islamic schools (most of them) come FROM public schools. So they are public school kids. There is a lot of drama that happens behind the adults back. The kids here are juts the same as public school kids, just sneakier. If your trying to protect your child from things they will learn in public school, don’t bother, you might as well tell them yourself or else they will know from classmates.
I read the article but don't fully agree to what has being said.
My kids have been in an Islamic school since the beginning ( JK ). It is very costly at $600 per child. I have 3 kids. You do the math. As mentioned in another comment, I too rent at a high rate to avoid the whole mortgage scene. I have been to an Islamic school all my life and i can tell you that it is NOT the answer to avoid sex, drugs and rock 'n roll. My whole class was involved in haram activity on a daily basis while at school. The teachers weren't all that either. We were not allowed to voice/express our true opinion on certain matters. In fact, now do I only understand the true meaning of certain aspects of Islam because the school I attended thought me their "version" of it. This is a huge problem in the Islamic community.
I've been thru it and know what happens in Islamic schools. The school my kids attend is one of the top Islamic schools in Toronto but I don't feel they introduce them to society. The other thing is, why is the physical education aspect of it somewhat ignored?
The kids are hardly involved in sports in Islamic Schools. This is a very important component and cannot be left out.
My kids will be attending public school next year. I would rather spend that money on extra curricular activities, from sport to islamic education to quran classes because the Islamic school is just not cutting it for me.
I find it extremely close
I find it extremely close-minded and ignorant of this article's author to say many Muslims own houses in the suburbs, multiple cars, take vacation etc. well listen up my friend, theres also many Muslims earning halal money avoiding mortgages, renting at a high rate in the gta, have 2-4 kids and single parent working. Muslim mothers should stay home with their children to be able to raise modest, calm and happy children. When kids no have parental role model, that becomes another reason for them to stray away from deen in their teens. Those people you have mentioned obviously have no interest in their kids deen..but theres also others like us..our husbands who work full time and still cant afford to pay over $1000 for 3 kids per month.
You are absolutely correct.
You are absolutely correct. However, due to low funds and less pay for teachers. it reflects the overall performance of a school, thus, he poor qualify of teaching and staff turn-over is high. To establish a solid foundation of a school all these things are necessary (what is mentioned in the articles - organization, wages, etc)
Stay at home mothers have an option to home school, if they can not afford islamic schools.
Salam Brothers and Sisters, I am looking a girl school with boarding anywhere in USA or Canada. Regards, Ahmad
Thank you for this article.I've been researching islamic schools online,and have found it difficult to get any objective information.i have heard from friends that the quality of education at islamic schools does not measure up to public schools as many teachers are not board certified.Now that makes sence,since the wages are not high enough.This is such a dilemma,but feel that it is our responsibility as muslims and parents to help the growth of islamic schools to hopefully reach the levels of jewish schools.May God guide us all to make the best decisions for the future of our children
I really enjoyed this article. I am researching options for my son who will be 4 in October, and so far I am not happy with the options. We have only 1 Islamic School in the local area, PreK thru 6th grade. It is poorly run and bankrupt monthly. I refuse to send my son to public school because I know what negative environment is out there, as I was educated here being a revert later in life. Here is a question.... WHY WHY WHY are the majority of schools disorganized, run by ONE person dictating and not like a team of professionals? How can we improve the quality of Islamic Education in the US (west)? Can't we create a mandatory participation in a group for Islamic Schools where certain standards are met, academically, financially, Islamically? Why can't we all unite instead of being so seperate with EVERYTHING? I know we make up so many cultures, countries of origin etc.... but THIS IS THE FUTURE OF ISLAM/OUR CHILDREN we are talking about.
Almost all children now believe they go to school to pass exams. The idea that they may be there for an education is irrelevant. State schools have become exam factories, interested only in A to C Grades. They do not educate children. Exam results do not reflect a candidate’s innate ability. Employers have moaned for years that too many employees cannot read or write properly. According to a survey, school-leavers and even graduates lack basic literacy and numeracy skills. More and more companies are having to provide remedial training to new staff, who can’t write clear instructions, do simple maths, or solve problems. Both graduates and school-leavers were also criticised for their sloppy time-keeping, ignorance of basic customer service and lack of self-discipline. Bilingual Muslims children have a right, as much as any other faith group, to be taught their culture, languages and faith alongside a mainstream curriculum. More faith schools will be opened under sweeping reforms of the education system in England. There is a dire need for the growth of state funded Muslim schools to meet the growing needs and demands of the Muslim parents and children. Now the time has come that parents and community should take over the running of their local schools. Parent-run schools will give the diversity, the choice and the competition that the wealthy have in the private sector. Parents can perform a better job than the Local Authority because parents have a genuine vested interest. The Local Authority simply cannot be trusted. The British Government is planning to make it easier to schools to “opt out” from the Local Authorities. Muslim children in state schools feel isolated and confused about who they are. This can cause dissatisfaction and lead them into criminality, and the lack of a true understanding of Islam can ultimately make them more susceptible to the teachings of fundamentalists like Christians during the middle ages and Jews in recent times in Palestine. Fundamentalism is nothing to do with Islam and Muslim; you are either a Muslim or a non-Muslim. There are hundreds of state primary and secondary schools where Muslim pupils are in majority. In my opinion all such schools may be opted out to become Muslim Academies. This mean the Muslim children will get a decent education. Muslim schools turned out balanced citizens, more tolerant of others and less likely to succumb to criminality or extremism. Muslim schools give young people confidence in who they are and an understanding of Islam’s teaching of tolerance and respect which prepares them for a positive and fulfilling role in society. Muslim schools are attractive to Muslim parents because they have better discipline and teaching Islamic values. Children like discipline, structure and boundaries. Bilingual Muslim children need Bilingual Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods, who understand their needs and demands.None of the British Muslims convicted following the riots in Bradford and Oldham in 2001 or any of those linked to the London bombings had been to Islamic schools. An American Think Tank studied the educational back ground of 300 Jihadists; none of them were educated in Pakistani Madrasas. They were all Western educated by non-Muslim teachers. Bilingual Muslim children need bilingual Muslim teachers as role models. A Cambridge University study found that single-sex classes could make a big difference for boys. They perform better in single-sex classes. The research is promising because male students in the study saw noticeable gains in the grades. The study confirms the Islamic notion that academic achievement is better in single-sex classes.Iftikhar Ahmadhttp://www.londonschoolofislamics.org.uk
Great Article !! Im arriving to Canada with son , searching for good montossori school to catch i heard abouat Iqraa school ? do u think is good one ? is there any rank fro islamic school ? does goverment supported as public or supervision ?
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