Monday | Ramadan 19, 1436 AH | July 6, 2015
Assalamu Alaikum.
You might have heard of what we did this past May.
Sound Vision’s team convinced 7 Nobel Peace Laureates to declare Rohingya persecution in Burma a genocide.
This was a powerful strategy to bring fresh attention to Rohingya persecution at the Nobel Peace Institute, Oslo, Norway. And Alhamdu lillah. it worked.
How was Sound Vision able to convince seven Nobel Peace Prize Laureates? It started with our rapport with the Irish Nobel Laureate, Mairead Maguire, who has been a guest at the daily Radio Islam. This led to another Nobel Laureate, who has also been at Radio Islam, writing to us to support it. Eventually this relationship allowed us to have 7 Nobel Laureates agreeing to endorsing the Rohingya cause.
As a supporter and donor of Sound Vision, it is your dua and donations, today and yesterday, that have helped us attain this level of influence and success, Alhamdu lillah. For this, we thank you, and ask Allah to bless you for your commitment, not just to Sound Vision, but to the Ummah as a whole. We also thank you for your trust in us, which is something no amount of money can buy.

Our success on the issue of Burma marks the start of a new phase for Sound Vision, and one which we are now developing in relation to the United States, where American Muslims, more than ever before, are facing rising hate, anger, and fear. We are caught between hate at home and terror abroad.
Consider this:
- More than 100 Masjids in the United States have been attacked over the last five years.
- Today, only 27% of our neighbors hold a positive opinion of Islam and Muslims.
- The worst affected tend to be young Muslims, who suffer bullying and contemplate hiding or denying their Islamic identity. Some go as far as leaving Islam.
It is time for solid, strategic action. Islamophobia can no longer be defeated by any one organization. It is now the duty of all Muslim individuals and organizations to pray, think, plan, and devote resources to achieve results.

You know that in the spirit of helping young Muslims and the Ummah in general, Sound Vision is establishing a Strategic Communication Center. We bring our 26-plus-years of experience in media, public relations, and serving the Ummah to the table of this latest challenge facing the American Muslim community.
Here are the steps we have already taken in anticipation of the project launch this fall:
- We have already retained the services of the project lead, a chair of a university public relations department, whose students currently serve in leading PR firms across the country.
- We have developed an international network of 950,000 persons to disseminate our talking points.
- We are in process of selecting a PR firm.
- Several other smaller steps are also being taken. These include training in crisis management, membership in public relations organizations, etc.
And with this latest move forward with the Nobel Laureates’ support for Burmese Muslims, we are already moving full steam ahead, Alhamdu lillah.

However, despite your contributions, the major challenge we still face is funding. We have raised only about 15% of what it would take to properly challenge the $160 million dollar Islamophobia machine.
This Ramadan, I request you for the following:
- First, please remember this extraordinary strategic plan and our team in your Duas at the best times.
- Second, this year, please devote a good part of your Zakat for this plan. This work is Zakat eligible.
- Third, please talk to 10 of your friends to divert their Zakat in this direction.
Ramadan, the month of generosity is here. Let us give as we have never given before. Let us give strategically, with our eye on both the Dunya and the Akhirah, seeking not just the good of the Next world, but the one we live in as well.

Abdul Malik Mujahid
P.S. We can't do it alone. I'm counting on you for your support.
P.P.S. Sound Vision Foundation is a not for profit tax exempt 501 (C) 3 organization.

© 2015 Sound Vision Foundation. All rights reserved.
Sound Vision Management
Abdul Malik Mujahid, President, Dr. Ahmed Murad, Vice President; Taha Ghayyur, Manager Development; Khaled Al-Sadi, Manger Finance; Tahera Rahman, Producer Radio Islam; Samana Siddiqui, Content Manager
Sound Vision Board
Dr. Khalid Riaz, Secretary; Taufiq Ahmed, treasurer; Janaan Hashim; Hannah ElAmeen; Dr. Khursheed Mallick; Fuad Lashkarwala.
Sound Vision
27 E Monroe ST, Chicago, IL. 60603, USA
Sound Vision is a not for profit tax exempt 501 (C) 3 organization
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Dr. Ahmad S. Eid
I didn't know where to send this, so I am sending it here.
It saddens me greatly to tell you that husband, Dr. Ahmad S. Eid,
Died last night in Cairo, Egypt. My Ahmad is the founder of the International Movement for World Peace. He has been in the Middle East the last ten years attempting to promote peace.
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