Islamophobia is real. You may have personally experienced it or know a family member, friend or acquaintance who has. This new racism must be made known and fought against. Here are a couple of ways to combat this phenomenon:
1. Remember the Prophet. The Prophet was subject to horrible insults and hate crimes in his lifetime. He remained steadfast, patient and tolerant in the face of this Islamophobia. We must model this same behavior.
Good and Evil deeds are not alike. Requite evil with good, and he who is your enemy will become your dearest friend. But none will attain this save those who endure with fortitude and are greatly favored by God. (Quran 41: 34-35)
Pray that God guides these people who mock the Deen and one of God’s Prophet.
2. Note that incidents of Islamophobia are not isolated. Whether it's threat of bombing Makkah, calling Islam evil, depicting the Prophet as a terrorist, disrespecting the Quran, discriminating against Muslims, profiling Hindus, Sikhs, or Latinos thinking they look like Muslims, torturing prisoners, bombing civilians, these are all signs of Islamophobia.
3. Also note that not all media or all non-Muslims support this type of insulting behavior. Many have been at the forefront of condemning torture, bombing and occupation. There are 75 million Americans who, despite all Islamophobic media, think positive about Islam and Muslims.
4. Equate racism, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. They all are fruits of the same tree of hate.
5. Start using the word Islamophobia to describe any kind of hate crime or speech against Islam and Muslims. Doing this will make the term uniform and eventually, an accepted part of the English language the way the term "anti-Semitism" is.
6. If you are involved in interfaith work, bring up the topic of Islamophobia at your meetings. Stress the urgency and need for people of all faiths to help address and condemn it and all other forms of intolerance publicly. If possible, get the organization to issue a public statement condemning Islamophobia in general, as well as in response to specific incidents like those mentioned above.
7. Sponsor reports on Islamophobia. Unless more documentation and yearly opinion surveys are conducted, people will continue to dismiss Islamophobia as a reality. So far, the UK is the only country which has officially commissioned a report on Islamophobia. The word has yet to become a part of American media.
8. Request your local library to purchase some of the latest books and articles on the phenomenon of Islamophobia. Some of these include Islamophobia: Making Muslims the Enemy, Islamophobia and Anti-Americanism: Causes and Remedies and Combating Islamophobia depends on unlearning intolerance
9. Report any and every incident of Islamophobia you, your family or friends encounter. The FBI collects hate crime statistics. Report Islamophobia to them here. File a report with the Council on American-Islamic Relations. They issue an annual report on Muslim civil rights in the US. Also report the crime to your local police office.
10. If it's an election year, make sure your local Congressman or Congresswoman who relies on your vote is aware of Islamophobia. Organize a delegation of Muslims in your constituency if you can and arrange to make a presentation on the topic, as well as a list of clear things you would like your Congressman or Congresswoman to do about Islamophobia if they want your vote.
11.For every incident of Islamophobia, write a letter to the editor and your local civil rights organization about it.
12. Organize a program at your local mosque or community center about the problem of Islamophobia today. Hold a brainstorming session as part of the program as well to discuss how to solve this problem.
13. Thank those who speak out or act against Islamophobia. A quick call, even leaving a message and/or a two-line email message are sufficient.
14. Make Dua that Allah guides those who hold Islamophobic views and practice Islamophobia. The Prophet made Dua for the Quraysh, asking for them to be guided because they were ignorant of what they were doing by committing Islamophobic acts and saying wrong things against Islam and the Prophet.
Islamophobia, hate speech and inciting hatred
Beautiful ideas. I totally agreed with you but one thing I always noticed that why do they need to burn book? If I don’t like writer or topic or content of some book I don’t bother. I simply don’t want to but it but burning those books are totally insane act. I wonder how they are considered developed and civilised countries? No wonder they are teaching hatred and fear and disrespect to their fellow citizens and their children.
but everyone should bear in their minds that they would never know the importance of Holy Qur’an in our hearts. Qur’an is in our hearts. How would they get Qur’an out of our hearts? Qur’an is our life. Qur’an is our soul. Qur’an is our salvation. Qur’an is our Love. Qur’an is The Divine Revelation From our Merciful Creator. Their hearts are burning in hatred that’s why they are trying to get fake satisfaction by burning pages of Qur’an but rest assured they are unable to erase the words of beautiful Qur’an engraved on our hearts.
when I see them burning Qur’an I see their hearts burning in hatred. They don’t understand that in this way they’re only harming themselves.
we will only condemn them as long as we can but keep practicing more n more to get close to Qur’an and believe me their actions are nothing except it increases strong faith and Eemaan in Allah and Holy Qur’an and Holy Prophets.
All praises be to Allah
Thank you for this, but I
Thank you for this, but I guess this is not possible in all areas. However, the data was good. May Allah bless you :)
Islamophobia isn't something to just stand around and watch it's something to fight against; fight against it for the rights, freedom, and safety for all Muslims around the world. We're all a community together so together we can stop this injustice!
people who judge others on their wrong doings are not right, majority people that do practice Islamophobia are those that do not firs analyze what has happened, how did it happen, why did the victim do so to understand the cause and evaluate on who to blame because in my view some people do things when they are miss led by others for their hidden a genders and also personal decisions either to revenge or to punish.
>This new racism
Islam is not a race. Whatever you think of islam, claiming that criticizing the ideas it preaches is racism is just pandering to delusions.
I safely stopped reading the article after the above claim.
Most of people who are not
Most of people who are not Muslim are victims of Islamophobia, because the scared Islamophob assumes someone is Muslim just by skin color. That IS RASIST.
Combating Islamophobia- Social Movement
Like "Project Combating Islamophobia" on Facebook- a safe space to discuss experiences of Islamophobia with the hopes to, on a small scale, unite all those who have been victimized & to diminish the negative stereotypes of Muslims. Sharing negative experiences can be difficult, and I understand how vulnerable it can feel to share such stories, therefore all comments will be pre-screened by the page to eliminate any negativity, or hate. Additionally, it is encouraged to share any positive stories you've had regarding Islamophobia- where kindness, love and acceptance was experienced. Kindly inbox the page to share any experiences, and you may also request to remain anonymous. Let's stand side by side as humans and remove the barriers of stereotyping and discrimination against Muslims. https://www.facebook.com/Project-Combating-Islamophobia-1699428610273507/
Alhamduillah for sharing your dawa in a very clear and practicable mannerwhich enables our muslim sisters and brothers to implement. May the non-muslims see there beautiful aspects of Islam.
Really, the article will help us to understand and shape ourself in Islam, and preach to follow citizen.
Latinos mayy look like Muslims because many Latinos came hear from Spain which has about 5.6 million Muslims wwho were converted to christanity by force so they may have Arab blood.
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