Our neighbors are looking for balanced information on Sharia and they have a hard time finding it. Sound Vision is engaged in developing a web portal on Sharia to fulfill this urgent need.
On any given night, an estimated 700,000 people in America are homeless. Some 20% or more of these are families with children. Homeless families are the fastest growing segment of the Homeless population.
There were great times and there were the bad ones. Tolerance, respect and cooperation some times. Murder, intolerance and hostility on other occasions. These have been some of the defining features of Muslim-Christian relations throughout history. Here are some examples of the good and the bad.
Easter is considered by many Christian churches the most important and one of the oldest holidays of the Church year after the weekly Sabbath which is held on Sundays. It is a time for redemption or deliverance from sin.
In Islamic history and tradition, Ethiopia (Abyssinia or Al-Habasha) is known as the "Haven of the First Migration or Hijra." For Muslims, Ethiopia is synonymous with freedom from persecution and emancipation from fear.
Faith, sacrifice, commitment and patience. These are just some of the qualities that characterize Prophet Ibrahim or Abraham as he is called in English (peace be upon him). So it should come as no surprise that he is revered not just in Islam, but in Christianity and Judaism as well.