Like talking to children about sex, discussing how to handle pornography is no easy feat. Here are some ideas and talking points for how to bring it up so you can give your child the Islamic perspective.
"When the servant of Allah marries, he has fulfilled half the (responsibilities laid on him by the) faith; so let him be God conscious with respect to the other half," declared by Prophet Muhammad (Mishkat).
Literally, Hijab is an Arabic word which means curtain. In the context of Islam, it is used to describe the general rules of dress and modesty for both men and women. In the West, it is often used by Muslims to describe the headscarf that Muslim women wear.
Pornography consumption is not something that can easily be stopped. Once the appetite for it has developed, it actually increases. Sound Vision has adapted the 12 steps from this guide to offer some guidance on how those addicted to pornography can get out of it.
Pornography and the culture of pornography has all the three elements which God has prohibited in the above verse of the Quran: Fuhsha; Munkar, Baghi. May Allah keep us all safe and pure spiritually and physically.
"If you see an evil, change it with your hand; and if you are unable to do so, then at least speak against it; and if someone is even unable to do so, then with at least he should hate it in his heart-and that is the weakest of faith" (Muslim).
"O you Children of Adam! We have bestowed on you raiment to cover your shame as well as to be an adornment to you. But the raiment of righteousness, that is the best...." That's how Allah describes the virtues of covering our shame, and how Hijab in Islam is important.