What is RAMDAN ? Here is a short list of trends and practices that are counterproductive to the essence and purpose of fasting. You have the whole month to cleanse yourself from them.
It’s easy to fall into pessimism and despair, which is why parents, family members, and community leaders need to step in and help kick start some optimism. Here are ten ways do that.
Great tips on making this Ramadan simpler, less wasteful, and healthier for us & the environment. And this is the change where the Khalifas of the world, we stewards of God, are needed today.
Zikr is the Arabic term for remembrance of Allah, the Most Merciful. It is not restricted to the prayer and worship that we do on our prayer rugs five times a day; it is much more than that.
The aspect of Zikr, the remembrance of Allah, is part of "what sets apart the living from the dead" (Bukhari). Here are some ways to incorporate and ensure Zikr in our everyday lives.
We all know human hands are wonderful things. They can clap and snap. They can hold a napping cat or stir soup a vat. But busy hands can also pick up dirt and germs. And these sneaky varmints love to play hide-and-seek.
When you think of excellence, perhaps you think of good grads; or becoming wealthy. But excellence to Muhammad Ali was being first in what he liked most: boxing.