God has made each one of us a responsible being. We simply cannot leave what is critical to someone else. By adopting these action items and other ideas that you can think of in your personal capacity, while motivating the rest of the family and relatives to join in, you can become an engine of change yourself.
The "ISS Sucks" billboard campaign, envisioned by a group of young Muslim fathers on a WhatsAp group in Chicago and endorsed and supported by Sound Vision, has created a good buzz in the Chicagoland area.
Here is a sample press release condemning shooting at the Florida nightclub that your Islamic center can adopt, rewrite and issue the following statement to your local media.
Creating and pitching a “newsworthy” about Ramadan in American media; story requires significant planning and legwork, but it’s all worth it. Let the world see the beauty of your faith and culture. Let everyone experience it! What’s there to hide?