All surveys have shown that students are especially skeptical of hate mongering. The highest favorable rating of Muslims (49%) is in the age group of 18-29. Let us make a serious effort to fight hate on campus.
This is an open letter to university graduates who are Muslim advising them to remember the responsibility they have toward the knowledge they have acquired over the time they have been in school, from an Islamic perspective.
Short on ideas for what to do on campus about Ramadan? Here are some things to remember and ideas you can use to bring Muslims closer together and do Dawa. None of them require a big budget.
With fall semester underway, campuses all across the nation are welcoming back students eager to learn, explore and define themselves. This is a perfect environment for any Muslim dedicated to fulfilling the obligation of sharing the message of Islam with others. Here are some ways to do that.
Two universities, Syracuse Univesity in Syracuse, New York, and Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, have made significant inroads to accommodate Muslims. Here is their story (from 1996).